

Who discovered pedigree chart?

Updated: 6/26/2024
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12y ago

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The concept of a pedigree chart to display genetic information was not discovered by one individual, but rather developed over time through the work of various scientists and researchers in the field of genetics. Gregor Mendel's work on inheritance and genetics in the 19th century laid the foundation for the use of pedigree charts to track and analyze patterns of inheritance in families.

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What chart is is used to trace the history of traits in a family?

A pedigree chart is used to trace the history of traits in a family. It shows the relationships between family members across generations and helps to track the inheritance patterns of specific traits or conditions.

What chart tracks which family member has a certain trait?

A pedigree chart tracks the inheritance of specific traits within a family. It can be used to visually represent how a particular trait is passed down through generations and which family members exhibit the trait. This type of chart is commonly used in genetics to study patterns of inheritance.

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It shows a pedigree.

Does a circle on a pedigree represent a male?

No, a circle on a pedigree typically represents a female. A square is used to represent a male in a pedigree chart.

What is a chart or family tree that tracks which members of a family have particular trait?

Pedigree chart

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a pedigree chart

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The vertical line in a pedigree chart means the next generation so- MOM DAD + + + means vertical line + Son & Daughter

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A pedigree chart is a documented record of one's ancestry. Genealogists use pedigree charts to study family lines. Learn more at

What model is used to show the pattern of pattern of traits that are passed from one generation to the next in a family?

The model used to show the pattern of traits passed from one generation to the next in a family is a pedigree chart. This chart displays the inheritance of traits and helps to track genetic patterns within a family over multiple generations.

What is a Cleft lip pedigree chart?

well um... ya i have no clue

What Is used to track which members of a family have a particular trait?

It is a pedigree chart

What is a a pedigree?

a family tree or chart that tracks which members have a certain trait