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The order is: O, Cl, Sb, Rb, Ar.

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Q: Who can help me with this problem Rank the following elements by electron affinity from most positive to most negative I have the elements Ar Cl O Sb and Rb?
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What are the trends and exceptions to the trends in electron affinity?

One trend in electron affinity is that it generally increases across a period from left to right on the periodic table due to increasing nuclear charge. However, there are exceptions such as the decrease in electron affinity between groups 2 and 13 as a result of increased electron repulsion. Additionally, noble gases have very low or zero electron affinities, contrary to the trend of increasing affinity.

Which element has a negative electron affinity. Is it Kr. O. Ca. He or Mg?

Helium (He) is the element that has a negative electron affinity. This means that it is less likely to gain an electron compared to other elements listed (Kr, O, Ca, and Mg) which have positive electron affinities.

Does Sr have a high electron affinity or a low electron affinity?

Sr has a relatively low electron affinity. Electron affinity is the energy change when an atom gains an electron to form a negative ion, and for strontium, this energy change is lower compared to other elements.

Halogen with the least-negative electron affinity?

The halogen with the least-negative electron affinity is astatine. Electron affinity and electronegativities decreases down a group. Since astatine is the last halogen located in Group 17 as you move down the column from fluorine, it has the least negative electron affinity.

What is the meaning of a negative value for the electron affinity of an atom?

A negative value for the electron affinity of an atom means that energy is released when an electron is added to the atom to form a negative ion. This indicates that the atom has a higher affinity for electrons and is more likely to gain an electron to achieve a stable electron configuration.

What is xenon electron affinity?

Xenon's electron affinity refers to the energy released when a neutral xenon atom gains an electron to form a xenide ion. Xenon's electron affinity is low compared to many other elements, meaning it is less likely to gain an electron and form negative ions.

How do you sort the following elements by electron affinity from most positive to most negative value bismuth chlorine helium cesium and tellurium?

The elements arranged by electron affinity from most positive to most negative value are cesium, helium, tellurium, bismuth, and chlorine. This order is based on the tendency of each element to gain an electron and form a negative ion.

Which has the lower electron affinity germanium or selenium?

Selenium has a lower electron affinity than germanium. Electron affinity is the energy released when an atom gains an electron to form a negative ion. In general, electron affinity tends to decrease as you move down a group in the periodic table, which is why selenium has a lower electron affinity than germanium.

Does electron affinity gain electrons?

Yes, electron affinity is the energy released when an atom gains an electron to form a negative ion. It describes the tendency of an atom to accept an electron.

What is the second electron affinity of chlorine?

Chlorine has a negative second electron affinity because it releases energy when gaining an additional electron. This makes it less likely to accept a second electron compared to its first electron affinity, which is positive.

Which has the more negative electron affinity br or br?

Bromine (Br) has a more negative electron affinity than boron (B). This means that bromine has a higher tendency to accept an electron to form a negative ion.

What is the difference between electron affinity and electron gain enthalpy?

Electron affinity is the energy released when an atom gains an electron to form a negative ion, while electron gain enthalpy is the enthalpy change accompanying the addition of an electron to a gaseous atom. Electron affinity is a specific term used in the context of forming an ion, while electron gain enthalpy is a general term for the enthalpy change associated with gaining an electron.