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Worms, Fungi, and Bacteria. Specifically the phylum of bacteria Blastocladiomycota.

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Q: Who are the decomposers in a meadow?
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What meadow decomposers are there?

Common meadow decomposers include bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and insects such as beetles and springtails. These organisms play a crucial role in breaking down dead plant material and recycling nutrients back into the soil, contributing to the overall health of the meadow ecosystem.

What is the Meadows food web?

The Meadows food web is a representation of the interconnected relationships between different organisms in a meadow ecosystem. It shows how energy and nutrients flow through the ecosystem, from producers (like plants) to consumers (like herbivores and carnivores) and decomposers (like fungi and bacteria). This helps to illustrate the complex interactions and dependencies that exist within the meadow community.

Where is the Meadow Bridge in Meadow Bridge located?

The address of the Meadow Bridge is: 53 Montrado Street, Meadow Bridge, 25976 0354

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Herb Meadow's birth name is Herman Meadow.

Where is the Meadow Museum Association in Meadow Texas located?

The address of the Meadow Museum Association is: 506 North Renfro, Meadow, TX 79345

When was The Meadow created?

The Meadow was created in 1953.

What is the birth name of Meadow Walker?

Meadow Walker's birth name is Meadow Rain Walker.

How do you say meadow in Tagalog?

Tagalog translation of MEADOW: parang

What is the possessive form of meadow?

The possessive form of the noun meadow is meadow's.Example: The meadow's border was marked by a fence.

Where is the Golden Meadow Branch in Golden Meadow located?

The address of the Golden Meadow Branch is: 1403 North Bayou Drive, Golden Meadow, 70357 2513

What actors and actresses appeared in Meadow - 2012?

The cast of Meadow - 2012 includes: Maud Simon as Meadow

Is there a bird or animal named a Meadow?

Meadow birds.