One of the most famous archaeologist was Howard Carter who discovered the tomb of King Tut.
To dig underground and find fossils in a DS game, usually you would use the action button or the digging tool button to interact with the soil. Each game may have a specific button designated for digging actions, so refer to the game instructions for the exact button to use.
Since this is the most recent era, these fossils will be located more closely to the surface so we do not have to dig as far to find them.
To find fossils in the Parchment Desert dig site in Fossil Fighters, you need to use the sonar to detect buried fossils. Look for areas where the sonar indicates a high signal strength, as this is where you are likely to find fossils. Use tools like the pickaxe and drill to excavate the fossils once you locate them.
First, you have to buy a regular shovel. Search around your town, for a sort of star-shaped shape on the floor, walk up to it, and dig it up. It isn't always a fossil, for example, it could be a boot, a can, or an oid.
Archaeologists dig up fossils!
They dig up bones and fossils of things that existed before humans, such as dinosaurs, or maybe even ancient humans!
They dig for fossils or artifacts to figure out what early humans used for tools or their culture or how the shape of their bones were
They search, dig and many of them, if not all of them also find relics such as ruins of ancient cities and fossils of various creatures.
You can only dig for the fossils in the mines.
You dig for fossils where there is a brown X on the ground.
A dig site is an area where archaeological excavations are carried out to uncover and study artifacts, fossils, and other remains that provide information about past civilizations, cultures, and environments. Dig sites are carefully documented and analyzed by archaeologists to piece together the history and lifestyles of ancient peoples.
they just know
The biggest problem with finding fossils in Antarctica is that everything is covered in ice, making it hard for archaeologists to excavate and find fossils.