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Q: Which would most likely happen if all of the soil in an ecosystem washed away?
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Which would most likely happen if all soil in an ecosystem washed away?

If all soil in an ecosystem washed away, it would likely lead to the loss of essential nutrients for plants to grow, result in decreased plant productivity, and impact the entire food web by reducing habitat for many organisms. It would ultimately disrupt the ecosystem's balance and lead to widespread ecological damage.

Which will most likely happen if all of the soil in an ecosystem washed away?

If all of the soil in an ecosystem washed away, the plants would not be able to grow, leading to loss of vegetation, habitat destruction, disruption of the food chain, and potential desertification of the area. Overall, it would result in a significant loss of biodiversity and ecological function in the ecosystem.

What would most likely happen if most of the boa constrictors in the ecosystem were to die to an illness?

The sloth and coati populations would increase.

What would most likely happen if most of the boa constrictor in the ecosystem were to die due to the illness?

The sloth and coati populations would increase.

What would happen if a species disppeared from an ecosystem?

If species disappeared from an ecosystem the balance in the ecosystem will be altered.

If grass and shrubs were removed from rural Massachusetts ecosystem what would most likely happen?

What would happen if grasses and shrubs were removed from an ecosystem? A.the primary consumers would increaseB.the primary consumers would become secondary consumersC.the primary consumers would die out or move elsewhereD.the primary consumers would stay unchanged

What most likely will happen to the lake ecosystem after someone adds lime?

more limewater would be present that some life may die from

What would happen to the ecosystem if gavial crocodiles went extinct?

there would be no salt water crocodile the would only be salt water alligator

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What would happen if you decomposed a eycosystem?

If ecosystem is decomposed, ecological imbalance will be caused. The ecosystem will be depleted.

Which of the followin would most likely happen if grasses and shrubs were removed from a rural new jersey ecosystem?

Removing grasses and shrubs from a rural New Jersey ecosystem will likely disrupt the habitat for many species that depend on them for food and shelter, leading to a decrease in biodiversity. It may also result in increased soil erosion and reduced water infiltration, impacting the overall ecosystem health.

What if there are to many scavengers in an ecosystem?

I don't believe anything would happen to the ecosystem, as what can scavengers do, but wait for their prey to die? I think the only thing that would happen is for the scavengers to quickly die off, as there would not be enough food for more than the ecosystem can support.