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Q: Which would havee a higher reaction rate logs or twigs?
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we would havee no air

What is a broom of twigs called?

That would be a besom.

Would the pH of the solution be lower before or after the enzymatic reaction?

The pH of the solution could change during an enzymatic reaction. It could either increase or decrease depending on the specific reaction and the components involved.

Would a higher enzymes concentration make the reaction faster or slower?

Increased enzymes would increase the rate of the reaction up to a certain point. They would reach a point where there are no more reactions to help out.

Which would have a higher reaction rate few collision or more collisions?

More collisions is an advantage.

What do you call a bundle of twigs?

There are many ways one might choose to bundle twigs. The most popular way to bundle twig together would be with a strong cord or twine that can easily be obtained at most stores.

What will happen if you kept the twigs of hydrilla in a beaker filled with water?

Hydrilla is an aquatic plant which means that it naturally grows in water. If one placed hydrilla twigs in a beaker of water, the twigs would begin to sprout roots and would eventually grow leaves if the environment was conducive to growth.

What type of reaction do you get when you add zinc to copper sulphate?

this reaction would be a single displacement reaction where Zn+2 ions would displace the the copper ions due to its slightly higher electronegativity. The overall stoichiometry would be: Zn+2 + CuSO4 --> ZnSO4 + Cu+2

What is a container made from woven twigs?

That would be a basket. They are often made of small flexible twigs. They can also be woven with straw and thins strips of wood peeled from logs.

Does increasing the concentration of an acid affect the volume of gas released?

Increasing the concentration of an acid typically leads to an increase in the rate of the reaction with a metal or carbonate, resulting in more gas being produced in a shorter amount of time. However, the total volume of gas produced at the end of the reaction will still be determined by the stoichiometry of the reaction and not solely by the concentration of the acid.

Do caterpillars live on rocks?

They would prefer trees because they like to eat leaves and twigs. They also make their cocoons on twigs or branches. They would not live long with out leaves because they have to store food while they are in their cocoon. So I would keep them on trees.

Why the rate of reaction of lithium with water increases over time?

The rate of reaction of lithium with water increases over time because as the reaction proceeds, more lithium surfaces become exposed to water, leading to more collisions and interaction between the lithium and water molecules. This increased surface area allows for a higher rate of reaction to occur as the reaction progresses.