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Q: Which would be considered a result of human activity that contributes to the loss of biodiversity on Earth?
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Which of these is a result of biodiversity in an ecosystem?

Answer this question… Increased ecosystem stability

What are the effect of defostration?

Deforestation leads to loss of biodiversity, contributes to climate change by releasing stored carbon dioxide, and can result in soil erosion and disruption of local water cycles. It also impacts indigenous communities that rely on forests for their livelihood.

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Any activity which results in monetary transaction is a business activity. The only apparent exception is barter activities. Still they are also considered ass business activity, as they result in value addition that can be converted into money. Thus all activity with an intent for value addition. measured in terms of money, can be classified as business activity.

What is the result of gene shuffling in sexual reproduction?

increased biodiversity and as a result faster and more effective natural selection and hence evolution.

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Greater stability of the biosphere would likely result from a balance in ecosystems, biodiversity, and resilience to external disturbances like climate change and habitat destruction. This balance allows for natural processes to function effectively and maintain the health of the planet.

Which of these is a result of increased biodiversity in an ecosystem?

Answer this question… Increased ecosystem stability

Are lahars examples of intrusive igneous activity?

No. Lahars are the result of extrusive activity.

Does the result of the activity satisfy the law?

It depends on what the activity is and what law you're talking about.

Biodiversity is believed to be the result of?

Biodiversity is believed to be the result of evolution through natural selection, which drives the process of species adaptation to their environment. This diversity is further influenced by ecological interactions and environmental factors, leading to the wide array of species and ecosystems we observe on Earth.

Why reducing biodiversity can lead to new problems?

Reducing biodiversity of a population can result in a loss of allele and reduced overall fitness, ultimately resulting in a decrease in genetic diversity. This reduced population is now vulnerable to diseases due to reduced biodiversity (e.g. Great Irish Famine).

What does a result mean?

Result means out come of certain activity .Eg: What was the result of heating sugar in pan?

Something that actively contributes to the production of a result?
