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Q: Which word best describes an asteroid once it hits earth?
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Technically, if it hits the Earth it's not an "asteroid", it's a "meteorite". And yes, meteorites hit the Earth all the time.

space rock that hits Earth's surface?

Meteor or asteroid

If an asteroid hits the earth in 2014 will humans die?

Depends entirely on the impacting speed and the size of the asteroid. Generally an asteroid impact is not going to bode well for life on Earth

What is in asteroid called when it hits the earth?

When an asteroid hits the Earth, it is called a meteorite. This is the term used to describe a fragment of an asteroid that survives its journey through our atmosphere and lands on the Earth's surface.

What happens when a comet or an asteroid hits earth?

You usually get a crater, with surrounding damage.

What happened when an asteroid hits the Earth?

depending on the size it could destroy the planet or impact in the water and not do much. It all depends on the size of said asteroid!

What is a rock from space that hits earth called?

A rock from space that hits Earth is called a meteorite. When it enters the Earth's atmosphere, it is known as a meteor or shooting star.

When asteroid hits the earth its known as?

It's known as a "catastrophic cataclysm resulting in the end of most if not all life on Earth".

What effect does a asteroid make when it hits earth?

your chin turns into a transoformer, then starts kicking beats.

How many asteroid lands on earth so far?

Two many to count, the Earth was born from asteroid impacts. Try and imagine all the fine grains of sand and all the wondrous mountains of the Earth. All the water of the oceans. All of it came from asteroid hits during accretion and afterwords.

If an asteroid hits the earth will the earth be destroyed?

No, but there would be a lot of destruction of life. It would only destroy the Earth if it is ENORMOUS, but I suppose it's possible.

Could a comet or asteroid or meteorite destroy the Earth?

Yes they all could destroy Earth depending how big it is, how big the impact is when it hits, and where it hits,but its possible. Hope this helps.