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Plants are very specific about whether they grow in fresh or salt water. The majority of plants require fresh water. Using salt water on them will kill them very quickly.

It's quite rare even for plants to merely stand salt water, so I don't think any plant actually needs it. My Hypothesis states that purified water will make it grow slower than fresh water.Right now I am conducting the experiment so I'm going to find out.The reason that I think Fresh water will work the best is because it has more minerals and vitemens vital to water and purified is completely empty of that stuff.

I think your hypothesis is probably correct but will be interested to hear the results. In my original response about the specificity of plants, I was including aquatic vegetation. Some aquatic species grow in salt water for sure. It would be interesting to see if those species could survive in purified salt water.

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1mo ago

Purified fresh water will help a plant grow faster than salt water. Freshwater contains essential nutrients and minerals that plants need for growth, while salt water can disrupt the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients, leading to stunted growth.

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Q: Which will help a plant grow faster purified fresh or salt water?
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