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There aren't different types of water (unless you count water with different levels of impurities, but in most cases the impurities will have the same effect as the salt, so it is just the purer water that needs more 'added' salt)

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9mo ago

The denser the water, the more salt is needed to float an egg. Therefore, saltwater with a higher salinity level will require the greatest amount of salt to float an egg.

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Q: Which water requires the greatest amount of salt to float an egg?
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The amount of salt required for an object to float depends on the object's density. For example, in water, objects will float when they displace an amount of water equal to their weight. Adding salt to increase the water's density can make it easier for less dense objects to float. The specific amount of salt will vary depending on the object's weight and size.

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Yes, a rotten egg when placed in water will float as the egg's contents wiegh less than the amount of water it displaces.

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What must the density of an object be for it to float in water?

The density of an object must be less than the density of water (1 g/cm3) for it to float in water. This means that the object will displace an amount of water equal to its own weight, allowing it to float.

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Yes, people can float in the black sea due to the large amount of salt in the water.

Can plywood float?

It depends on theplywood density if it is denser then water then you would have to make a shape causing it to displace an equal or greater amount of water in weight for it to float.