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Q: Which was not a radical group that began to gain popularity during the nineteen-thirtys?
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How did reconstruction turn radical?

Reconstruction turned radical when people's opinions began to view it that way. Looking at something and saying it's 'radical' or 'liberal' etc. is an opinion and cannot be proved, so it really becomes this way when you decide it has.

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Because Germany had gone into a depression and the people began to support the radical Nazis and communists instead of the failing democacy.

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Radical protestors during the Vietnam era often burned their draft cards. American involvement in Vietnam began in 1955, and the war ended in 1975 during the presidency of Gerald Ford.

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They began to lose power because many northerners lost interest in changing the South.

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The plan to rebuild the South after the Civil War and extend the ideas of liberty and equality to the slaves that had been freed during the war. There are three brands: Presidential (Lincoln and Johnson), Radical (Radical Republicans), and Johnsonian (Johnson).

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Most electro music began to gain popularity during the 1970's due to it's dance appeal. Today the use of electro music is a staple in many "club hits" that are designed to entertain club goers.