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Q: Which type of wire conductor is most common in automotive electrical systems?
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What is a example of a electrical conductor?

A copper wire would be an example of a conductor of electricity.

What are the common properties of rubber?

elastic or resilient, poor conductor of heat, fair electrical insulator.

What is a elecrical conductor?

An electrical conductor is a material that allows for the flow of electric current. Conductors have high electrical conductivity due to the presence of free electrons that can move easily within the material when a voltage is applied. Common examples include metals like copper and aluminum.

Can copper wire would be a good conductor of electricity?

Yes, copper wire is an excellent conductor of electricity due to its high electrical conductivity. It is commonly used in electrical wiring and transmission of electricity due to its efficiency in carrying electrical current.

What is a conductor when talking in science?

In science, a conductor is a material that allows the flow of electricity. Conductors have loosely bound electrons that are free to move when a voltage is applied, allowing the transfer of electrical energy. Metals like copper and aluminum are common examples of conductors.

Why copper is used for counducting wires?

Out of all the common metals copper is the best electrical conductor. Only silver is slightly better.

Which is the best conductor?

Silver is the best conductor of electricity among common metals. It has the highest electrical conductivity of any metal and is often used in applications where high conductivity is essential, such as in electrical wiring.

Explain what a Automotive service technician do?

A service technician is much more that a common mechanic. Technicians must not only have working knowledge of automotive mechanics, but be computer literate, be able to diagnose complex problems with electrical and computer systems, and most importantly, be able to communicate those results clearly in writing. Most dealerships will only hire those with experience or directly from factory sponsored training programs.

What is the smallest size of a common grounding electrode conductor installed for multiple separately derived systems?

3/0 awg wire

Common uses of copper?

Electricity Wires where it's a good conductor & it's use to make some mechanical parts.

What is a good electrical conductor when mixed with water?

Soluble ionic compounds are excellent conductors of electricity when dissolved in water - such as sodium chloride (common salt)

What is the best conductor of heat energy?

Silver is the best conductor of heat energy among common metals, as it has the highest thermal conductivity. Copper is also an excellent conductor of heat and is commonly used for heat exchangers and cooling systems.