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endothermic reaction

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Endothermic reactions typically require more activation energy compared to exothermic reactions. This is because in an endothermic reaction, energy is absorbed from the surroundings to break bonds and form new ones, which requires more energy input to overcome the activation barrier.

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Q: Which type of reaction requires more activation energy?
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How does activation energy effect the progress of a reaction?

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction. A lower activation energy means that more molecules have enough energy to react, leading to a faster reaction rate. Conversely, a higher activation energy requires more energy input and can slow down the reaction rate.

What is an energonic reaction?

An endergonic reaction is a chemical reaction that requires energy to proceed. In an endergonic reaction, the products have more free energy than the reactants. This type of reaction is non-spontaneous and typically requires an input of energy to overcome the activation energy barrier.

The smallest amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction is called?

Technically, it isn't "heat" that makes a chemical reaction happen. "Heat" is merely the flow of energy from one place to another. It is the energy itself that causes a reaction to occur. As an increase in temperature occurs, there is an increase in the energy in a group of molecules by making them mover around faster and bum into each other more. This energy is called "Activation energy", and is defined as the amount of energy required to make the reaction start and carry on spontaneously. Higher activation energy implies that the reactants need more energy to start than a reaction with a lower activation energy. With that being said, activation energy is the answer

If one molecule has more energy than another does it have a higher activation energy?

The activation energy refers to a chemical reaction.

How does activation energy affect the progess of a reaction?

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to occur. A higher activation energy barrier means fewer molecules have enough energy to react, slowing down the reaction. Conversely, a lower activation energy barrier allows more molecules to react, leading to a faster reaction rate.

Related questions

How is activation energy related to bond energy?

Activation energy is the minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. It is related to bond energy because breaking chemical bonds and forming new bonds requires energy, which contributes to the activation energy of a reaction. Bonds with higher bond energy are more stable and require more energy to break, hence increasing the activation energy of the reaction.

What does an enzyme do to the activation energy needed to start a chemical reaction?

Enzymes lower the activation energy needed to start a chemical reaction, making it easier for the reaction to occur. This allows the reaction to happen more quickly and efficiently.

Which of the following combinations will generally produce the slowest reaction?

The combination of a low temperature and a high activation energy will generally produce the slowest reaction. A low temperature slows down the kinetic energy of the reacting molecules, while a high activation energy requires more energy for the reaction to occur.

The amount of energy required to start a reaction is called?

The amount of energy required to start a reaction is called activation energy. It is the energy needed to initiate a reaction by breaking the chemical bonds of the reactants.

Which has the highest activation energy?

A reaction with a higher activation energy requires more energy to initiate the reaction. In general, reactions involving the breaking of strong chemical bonds have higher activation energies compared to reactions involving weaker bonds.

The smallest amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction is called?

Technically, it isn't "heat" that makes a chemical reaction happen. "Heat" is merely the flow of energy from one place to another. It is the energy itself that causes a reaction to occur. As an increase in temperature occurs, there is an increase in the energy in a group of molecules by making them mover around faster and bum into each other more. This energy is called "Activation energy", and is defined as the amount of energy required to make the reaction start and carry on spontaneously. Higher activation energy implies that the reactants need more energy to start than a reaction with a lower activation energy. With that being said, activation energy is the answer

If one molecule has more energy than another does it have a higher activation energy?

The activation energy refers to a chemical reaction.

What increases the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy?

A catalyst can increase the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy needed for the reaction to occur. Catalysts provide an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy, allowing the reaction to happen more quickly.

How does an enzyme speed up its reaction?

Enzymes speed up a reaction by lowering the activation energy. This is the amount of energy required to start the reaction. By lowering the activation energy, the reaction can proceed much more quickly.

Why does a catalyst cause a reaction to proceed faster?

A catalyst lowers the activation energy required for the reaction to occur, which allows the reaction to proceed faster at the same temperature. It does this by providing an alternative reaction pathway that is more favorable and requires less energy to reach the transition state.

How do changes in temperature and activation energy compare in how they affect reaction rate Apex?

Changes in temperature and activation energy have opposite effects on reaction rate.

Energy required to start chemical reaction?

The energy required to start a chemical reaction is known as activation energy. This energy is needed to break the bonds in the reactant molecules before new bonds can form in the products. Activation energy acts as a barrier that must be overcome for the reaction to proceed.