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Alpha and Beta are the most efficient forms of radiation that can ionize atoms. However Gamma can do it too.

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Ionizing radiation includes alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. These forms of radiation have enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms and molecules, resulting in the formation of ions.

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Q: Which type of radiation ionizes atoms and molecules?
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Can radiation be detected because it ionizes the atoms it affects?

Ionizing radiation is only one type of radiation. Visible light, for example, falls under the category of electromagnetic radiation. Radiation has many different detectable consequences.

Is UVC a form of ionizing radiation?

No, UVC is not a form of ionizing radiation. UVC is a type of ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength range of 100-280 nm, which is not energetic enough to cause ionization of atoms and molecules.

Is radio radiation ionising or non ionising?

Radio radiation is non-ionizing, meaning it does not have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules. This type of radiation is generally considered less harmful to human health compared to ionizing radiation.

What happen when radiation is absorbed?

When radiation is absorbed by a material, it transfers energy to the material, which can lead to the excitation or ionization of atoms or molecules. This can result in chemical changes, heating of the material, or damage to cells, depending on the type and dose of radiation.

Are atoms and molecules a type of chemical?

No. Atoms and molecules are what make up all chemicals.

Which is most biologically damaging type of radiation?

Ionizing radiation is the most biologically damaging type of radiation. It has enough energy to ionize atoms and molecules, potentially causing damage to DNA and leading to mutations, cancer, and other health issues. Sources of ionizing radiation include X-rays, gamma rays, and certain types of nuclear radiation.

What are the 2 names of radiation?

The two names of radiation are ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation has enough energy to ionize atoms and molecules, while non-ionizing radiation does not have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms.

What type of radiation has the greatest ionising effect?

Gamma radiation has the greatest ionizing effect among the different types of radiation. It consists of high-energy photons that can penetrate deeply into tissues and cells, causing extensive damage by ionizing atoms and molecules along its path.

What is meant by ionising radiation?

Ionizing radiation is a type of radiation that carries enough energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules, leading to the formation of ions. This process can damage biological tissues, DNA, and other molecules, and has the potential to cause mutations and increase the risk of cancer. Examples of ionizing radiation include X-rays, gamma rays, and some types of ultraviolet light.

How are X-rays a mutagen?

A mutagen is an agent that changes the genetic material (usually DNA) of a cell which leads to a change in the frequency of mutation in a cell.A cell exposed to X-ray radiation of sufficient energy is subjected to ionising radiation. Ionising radiation is capable of displacing orbital electrons from their parent atoms. Thus atoms exposed to X-rays of sufficient energy become ionised.DNA is a molecular structure. Molecules are the electrically neutral grouping of at least two atoms by a covalent chemical bond.So exposing a cell to X-ray radiation (with sufficient energy) will change the charge of the atoms of the molecules of the cell.Attacking DNA molecules in this fashion produces free radicals within the DNA molecule. Free radicals are a type of oxidising agent which is a type of mutagen that changes the DNA sequence.

What type of radiation that is sometimes felt as heat?

Infrared radiation is the type of radiation that is sometimes felt as heat. It is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and is produced by the vibration and movement of molecules.

Which type of radiation is deflected from its original path when it strikes an object?

Ionizing radiation, such as alpha and beta particles, can be deflected from their original path when they strike an object due to collisions with the atoms and molecules in the material. This deflection can cause the radiation to scatter or be absorbed by the object, depending on its composition and energy level.