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This is a positron.

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Q: Which type of radiation has a negligible mass and a charge of plus 1?
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What type of radiation has a mass of 4 amu and a 2 plus charge?

Alpha radiation, which is the same as helium-4 nuclei.

A particle that has a mass of 1 and a charge of 1 plus is?

A proton is a particle that has a mass of 1 and a charge of 1 plus.

Does alpha have zero mass and zero charge?

An alpha particle is a helium nucleus. It consists of two protons and two neutrons so it has mass (approximately the same as the mass of a helium atom) and charge (a plus two charge because each proton has a charge of plus one and the neutrons are not charged).

This form of radiation is made from He nuclei and has a 2 plus charge?

Alpha radiation is made from Helium nuclei (He) and has a 2+ charge. These particles are composed of two protons and two neutrons and are relatively heavy and carry a strong positive charge.

What particles has a mass of 4 amu and a charge of 2 plus?

An alpha particle, boom.

Why is a mass spectrometer incapable of distinguishing between ions 14N plus and 14N2 plus 2?

because the species have the same m/z value (mass to charge ratio)

Do gamma rays have a charge?

No, a gamma ray does not have a plus two charge. A gamma ray is electromagnetic energy, and has no charge at all. It is the alpha particle, a type of particulate radiation, that has a charge of plus two. Use the links below for more information.

What is a charge of beta?

A beta charge refers to the charge carried by a beta particle, which can be either a beta minus (electron) with a charge of -1 or a beta plus (positron) with a charge of +1. Beta decay is a type of radioactive decay process involving the emission of beta particles.

What is conserved in this reaction n2(g) plus 3f2(g)---2nf3(g)?

In this reaction, mass is conserved. This means that the total mass of the reactants (N2 and F2) will be equal to the total mass of the products (NF3). Additionally, charge is conserved, ensuring that the overall charge of the reactants is equal to the overall charge of the products.

Which radioisotope has an atom that emits a particle with a mass number of 0 and a charge of plus 1?

Proton emission is a type of radioactive decay where an atom emits a proton with a mass number of 0 and a charge of plus 1. An example of a radioisotope that undergoes proton emission is iodine-123.

What is a sub atomic particle having an approximate mass of 1 amu and a relative charge of one plus?


An Ion with a mass of 209 and atomic number of 84 and net charge of 4 plus?

The ion is a lead ion with a 4+ charge. Its atomic number is 84, and its mass number is 208 (since the mass number is one less than the atomic mass for this particular ion).