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4w ago

Anthracite coal is a type of metamorphic rock that is mined from the earth and burned as fuel. It is a hard and premium type of coal known for its high carbon content and low impurities, making it a popular choice for heating and energy production.

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Q: Which type of metamorphic rock is mined from earth and burned as fuel?
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What are carbonaceous fuels?

a fuel which is stripped or mined from earth like coal,petroleum ,peat is called carbonaceous fuel

Why is coal better then nuclear?

Coal can be easily mined and burned, whilst to use nuclear fuel requires a lot of scientific effort to make it safe

Is nuclear energy mined?

No, nuclear energy is not mined. Nuclear energy is produced by splitting atoms in a process called nuclear fission, which releases energy. The fuel used in nuclear reactors, such as uranium or plutonium, is mined from the earth.

What fuel is mined from the earth that is almost pure carbon?

Coal is a fuel mined from the earth that is almost pure carbon. It is formed from the remains of plants that lived and died millions of years ago, and it is a major source of energy worldwide.

What is a metamorphic rock found deep inside earth and it is used as a fuel?

Coal is a metamorphic rock formed from ancient plant material that has been subjected to heat and pressure over millions of years. It is found deep inside the Earth's crust and is commonly used as a fuel for electricity generation and heating.

What type of metamorphic rock burns?

Metamorphic rocks like anthracite and bituminous coal can burn because they have undergone enough heat and pressure to create enough carbon bonds for combustion. This high carbon content makes them suitable for burning as fuel.

How is coal collected to make useable energy?

Coal is typically mined from underground or surface mines. In underground mining, miners access coal seams by digging tunnels to extract the coal. In surface mining, large machines remove layers of earth to expose coal seams. Once collected, coal is transported for processing, where it is crushed and washed to remove impurities before being used for energy production.

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Name a fossil fuelwhich is mined in bass strait?

Natural gas is produced from Bass Strait, which is a fossil fuel that is harvested through offshore drilling operations.

What type of fossil fuel is mined from the underground?

Coal is a type of fossil fuel that is mined from underground. It is formed from the remains of plants that lived millions of years ago and is a significant source of energy worldwide.

When a fuel is burned what is lost as heat?

Hi, when fuel is burned, energy in the form of heat is given off. hope this helps