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Ocean Trenches, Island Arcs, Volcanic Mountain Chains, Magmatic Arcs.

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5d ago

Trenches and volcanic arcs form at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another. The descending plate melts and creates magma that rises to the surface, leading to volcanic activity. This process can also result in earthquakes as the plates interact.

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Q: Which type of landforms develops at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another?
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What causes the changes in the earth's crust?

The earth's crust floats on the mantle. The movement is very slowly. Despite this slowness, over millions of years, this movement has created many of our Earth's landforms. Landforms are created because the plates are moving in different directions. When plates are moving away from each other they form divergent boundaries. Plates that are moving towards one another from convergent boundaries. At some places where plates come together, they crumple and lift to form mountains. Other converging plates form subduction zones . An ocean trench marks the region where a denser plate is forced under ( subducts) a less dense plate . Plates also move in sliding motion past one another to form transform fault boundaries. The motion at these boundaries is more like a grinding and scraping with sudden jolts due to the building up of pressure.

Does subduction occur where crust is form where crust is destroyed near transform boundaries or at normal faults?

Subduction occurs where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another plate at convergent boundaries, typically near oceanic trenches. This process involves the destruction of crust as the subducting plate descends into the mantle. Transform boundaries involve plates sliding past each other horizontally, while normal faults occur at divergent boundaries where plates are moving away from each other.

What type of landforms or activity can be found at a convergent boundary?

At a convergent boundary, landforms such as mountains, deep ocean trenches, and volcanic arcs can be found. Tectonic activity includes the subduction of one plate under another, leading to the formation of these features. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are also common at convergent boundaries.

What topographical features can be found along convergent boundaries?

Topographical features that can be found along convergent boundaries include mountain ranges, deep ocean trenches, and volcanic arcs. These features are a result of the intense tectonic forces that push plates together, causing them to collide or subduct beneath one another.

What are 3 types of convergent boundaries and what landforms are associated with them?

Oceanic-continental boundaries: characterized by oceanic crust subducting beneath continental crust, creating volcanic arcs and mountain ranges. Oceanic-oceanic boundaries: involve one oceanic plate subducting under another oceanic plate, resulting in deep-sea trenches and volcanic island arcs. Continental-continental boundaries: where two continental plates collide, leading to the formation of large mountain ranges and extensive fault systems.

Related questions

Which type of landforms develops plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath one another?

Ocean Trenches, Island Arcs, Volcanic Mountain Chains, Magmatic Arcs.

Which type of landform develop at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another?

Subduction zones occur at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another. This process leads to the formation of deep oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and earthquakes due to the intense pressure and heat generated by the subduction of the oceanic plate.

Which type of landform develops at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another?

A trench or subduction zone develops at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another. This process is called subduction and typically results in the formation of deep oceanic trenches and volcanic arcs due to melting of the descending plate.

How regional boundaries are different from state boundaries?

Regional boundaries is an area in which places share certain landforms, and State boundaries is a line or natural feature that divides one area from another.

What boundaries make mountains?

Mountains are typically formed by tectonic plate movements, where one plate is pushed up over another, creating uplifted landforms. The boundaries where tectonic plates meet, such as convergent or collision boundaries, often lead to the formation of mountain ranges through processes like folding, faulting, and volcanic activity. These boundaries can also experience intense seismic activity, leading to the further formation and growth of mountains over time.

What is another name for destructive boundaries?

Another name for destructive boundaries is toxic boundaries. These are boundaries that harm rather than support individuals in relationships or interactions.

What is another word for the word landforms?

physical feature

What landforms are in the desert?

The landforms that are found in the desert include buttes, dunes, and mesas. An oasis is another landform that exists in the desert.

What is another name for constructive boundaries and why?

Another name for constructive boundaries is healthy boundaries. This term is used because these boundaries help establish and maintain positive, respectful, and balanced relationships with others.

What is a subduction in geological terms?

Subduction is a geological process where one tectonic plate moves beneath another plate at a convergent boundary. This process is responsible for the formation of deep ocean trenches and volcanic arcs. Subduction can lead to the recycling of oceanic crust back into the mantle.

When one tectonic plate descends beneath another what kind of boundary is formed?

A convergent boundary is formed when one tectonic plate descends beneath another. This process is known as subduction and typically leads to the formation of deep ocean trenches and volcanic arcs.

what are 3 ways that landforms can differ from one another?

Mountains, hills, plateaus, and plains are the four major types of landforms. Minor landforms include buttes, canyons, valleys, and basins.