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Q: Which type of land form develops at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another?
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Which type of landform develops at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another?

A trench or subduction zone develops at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another. This process is called subduction and typically results in the formation of deep oceanic trenches and volcanic arcs due to melting of the descending plate.

Which type of landform develop at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another?

Subduction zones occur at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another. This process leads to the formation of deep oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and earthquakes due to the intense pressure and heat generated by the subduction of the oceanic plate.

Which type of landforms develops plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath one another?

Ocean Trenches, Island Arcs, Volcanic Mountain Chains, Magmatic Arcs.

Which type of landforms develops at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another?

Trenches and volcanic arcs form at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another. The descending plate melts and creates magma that rises to the surface, leading to volcanic activity. This process can also result in earthquakes as the plates interact.

What process is triggered as the slab descends beneath the other plate?

Subduction is the process that occurs as the slab descends beneath the other plate at convergent plate boundaries. This leads to the recycling of old oceanic crust back into the mantle.

When one tectonic plate descends beneath another what kind of boundary is formed?

A convergent boundary is formed when one tectonic plate descends beneath another. This process is known as subduction and typically leads to the formation of deep ocean trenches and volcanic arcs.

Is subduction common at divergent plate boundaries?

No, subduction is not common at divergent plate boundaries. Divergent plate boundaries are characterized by plates moving away from each other, which creates new oceanic crust. Subduction occurs at convergent plate boundaries where plates collide and one descends beneath the other.

Deep-focus earthquakes are associated with what plate boundaries?

Deep-focus earthquakes are associated with convergent plate boundaries, where two tectonic plates collide and one is forced to subduct beneath the other into the Earth's mantle. As the subducted plate descends deeper into the mantle, it can generate earthquakes at depths exceeding 300 kilometers.

Which type of landform develop at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descend beneath another?

Rift valley

What is the name given to plates diving beneath one another?

The process of one tectonic plate diving beneath another is called subduction. This often occurs at convergent plate boundaries where one plate is forced beneath the other due to differences in density.

What is a region where a plate descends?

A region where a plate descends is called a subduction zone. In this type of plate boundary, one tectonic plate is forced beneath another due to differences in density. Subduction zones are commonly associated with volcanic activity and earthquakes.

What topographical features can be found along convergent boundaries?

Topographical features that can be found along convergent boundaries include mountain ranges, deep ocean trenches, and volcanic arcs. These features are a result of the intense tectonic forces that push plates together, causing them to collide or subduct beneath one another.