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Q: Which type of exhibit would best explain what solar systems?
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Are there probably more planets or more galaxies in the universe explain your answer?

Since a galaxy can have many solar systems and a solar system might have more than one planet, for each galaxy there would be many planets. Therefore there would be more planets than galaxies.

Why do you need galaxies in the solar system?

Galaxies are vast systems of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies that contain our solar system. They provide the cosmic environment and gravitational forces necessary for the formation and stability of solar systems like ours. Without galaxies, solar systems like ours would not exist.

Explain that your sun is not the star in your solar system?

That would be difficult to explain. -- The Sun IS a star. -- It IS in my solar system. -- It's the ONLY star in my solar system. -- So the sun is THE star in my solar system.

What do you need to travel to the solar system?

To travel to the solar system, you would need a spacecraft capable of withstanding extreme conditions in space, such as radiation and microgravity. Additionally, you would need a reliable source of power, life support systems, navigation equipment, and a plan for communication with Earth.

What is energy collected by in a passive solar system?

Energy in a passive solar system is collected by materials in the building structures, such as walls, windows, and floors, that absorb and store solar heat during the day and release it at night to heat the space. No mechanical or electrical devices are used to collect or distribute the energy.

Related questions

How would earth be different if it did not receive solar energy?

explain how earh would be different if it did not receive solar energy

Are there probably more planets or more galaxies in the universe explain your answer?

Since a galaxy can have many solar systems and a solar system might have more than one planet, for each galaxy there would be many planets. Therefore there would be more planets than galaxies.

Do all-stars have solar systems?

Yes, all stars have solar systems. A solar system is a star and all the objects that orbit it, including planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. Our own solar system, with the Sun at its center, is just one example of a solar system among billions in the universe.

Why do you need galaxies in the solar system?

Galaxies are vast systems of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies that contain our solar system. They provide the cosmic environment and gravitational forces necessary for the formation and stability of solar systems like ours. Without galaxies, solar systems like ours would not exist.

What are the different kinds of solar system?

"solar system" is the term used to describe planets orbiting a star. We know that planets also orbit binary and tertiary star systems, these would be different kinds of solar systems.

Explain how earth would be different if it did not receive solar energy?

Without solar energy, Earth would be an icy and uninhabitable planet. Solar energy drives our climate system, supporting life through photosynthesis, providing warmth, and creating weather patterns. The absence of solar energy would lead to extreme cold temperatures, lack of plant growth, and overall a barren and desolate world.

How is a solar system a combination of smaller systems?

They're rotating bodies, so... the moons around a planet would also be systems.

Where can I find more info on home solar systems?

A great place to find more information on home solar systems would be and clicking on "How does it work." It gives a detailed explanation of the ins and outs.

Why is it that there are other solar systems in universe?

It would be an enormous waste of materials for all those billions of stars if there were only one solar system!

Explain that your sun is not the star in your solar system?

That would be difficult to explain. -- The Sun IS a star. -- It IS in my solar system. -- It's the ONLY star in my solar system. -- So the sun is THE star in my solar system.

How would people explain the sun?

A star that our solar system revolves around and that provides our heat and light.

Where can one buy home solar power systems?

There are a couple of online websites that sell home solar power systems. The best website to check out would be Wholesale Solar because it has a wide range of solar systems at an affordable price.