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Q: Which type of climate has the greatest amount of rockweathering caused by frost action?
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What type of climate has the greatest amount of rock weathering caused by frost action?

A cold and arid climate has the greatest amount of rock weathering caused by frost action. The repeated freezing and thawing of water in the cracks of rocks can cause them to break down over time.

What type of climate has the greatest amount of rock weathering caused by rock weathering?

A wet climate in which temperatures alternate between below freezing and to above freezing.

Which type of climate has the greatest amount of rock weathering caused by frost action?

A cold climate with frequent freeze-thaw cycles would have the greatest amount of rock weathering caused by frost action. In these environments, water seeps into cracks in rocks, freezes, expands, and then thaws, causing the rocks to break apart over time.

What type of climate does the greatest amount of chemical weathering of rock occur?

Chemical weathering of rock occurs most in warm and humid climates. The combination of higher temperatures and moisture accelerates chemical reactions that break down the minerals in rocks.

What is the greatest factor that determines climate in any given location?

The greatest factor that determines climate in any given location is its distance from the equator, which affects the amount of sunlight and heat received. Other factors include proximity to large bodies of water, elevation, and prevailing winds.

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Why is the amount of rainfall so important for climate

What action would involve the greatest transfer of heat?

The action that would involve the greatest transfer of heat is boiling water to steam, as it requires a large amount of energy to change the state of water from liquid to gas. During this process, a significant transfer of heat occurs to provide the latent heat of vaporization.

What is greatest number or amount?

an infinite amount

Is the greatest amount of energy at the producer level?

yes, we can get the greatest amount of energy at the producer level.

What are two main weater factors?

Parent Rock (material) and Climate.

What does it mean if climate is temperature?

Temperature is the climate. A climate is the same temperature in a place for a long amount of time.

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