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traits affecting IT support governed by law

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The protection of customer data privacy and confidentiality is a trait affecting IT support that is also governed by laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). These laws outline specific requirements for how organizations handle and protect personal and sensitive information.

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Q: Which traits affecting IT support is also governed by law?
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Continue Learning about Natural Sciences

Where do we get our traits from?

You can get your traits from older generations and you can also get your traits from non-living organisms, too.

What are chemical factors that determines traits?

Chemical factors that determine traits include DNA, which encodes genetic information that determines an organism's characteristics, as well as hormones and other signaling molecules that regulate gene expression and cell function. Environmental factors can also influence trait expression by affecting how genes are activated or suppressed.

What are two traits common to all plants?

Two common traits in plants are the presence of chlorophyll for photosynthesis and the cell wall made of cellulose for structure and support.

Why the trait approach to leadership has no empirical support?

The trait approach to leadership lacks empirical support because research has shown that there is inconsistency in the traits that are associated with effective leadership. Traits alone do not fully explain or predict leadership effectiveness, as situational factors and followers' perceptions also play a significant role in shaping leadership outcomes. Additionally, the complexity of human behavior and the dynamic nature of leadership make it difficult to pinpoint specific traits that consistently lead to effective leadership across different contexts.

How do you know what traits you have?

Self-awareness and reflection are key to understanding your traits. You can take personality assessments, seek feedback from others, and reflect on your behavior and reactions to gain insight into your traits. Additionally, observing how you interact with others and the qualities you value can also help you identify your traits.

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Are sex linked traits also called X-linked traits?

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Factors affecting socio-emotional development include experiences with caregivers, peers, and other social interactions, as well as environmental influences such as family dynamics, community support, and cultural values. Genetics and neurological factors also play a role in socio-emotional development, along with individual temperament and personality traits. Traumatic events, stress, and adverse childhood experiences can also impact socio-emotional development.

Where do we get our traits from?

You can get your traits from older generations and you can also get your traits from non-living organisms, too.

What are chemical factors that determines traits?

Chemical factors that determine traits include DNA, which encodes genetic information that determines an organism's characteristics, as well as hormones and other signaling molecules that regulate gene expression and cell function. Environmental factors can also influence trait expression by affecting how genes are activated or suppressed.

What are two traits common to all plants?

Two common traits in plants are the presence of chlorophyll for photosynthesis and the cell wall made of cellulose for structure and support.

Why consent of the governed matters?

Consent of the governed matters because if the governed people do not consent to the governing body, they will revolt against it. It is also considered unjust to rule over people without their consent.

What is a monastery governed by?

Monasteries are governed by the rules of the community. Both nuns and monks are known to live in monasteries and they also have chapels or churches in them.

What are the factors affecting fdi in India?

One factor affecting the FDI in India is their economic growth. Also, another factor affecting the FDI in India is their capital preservation.

What sport is governed by the FIFA orginazation?

Soccer, also known as football.

How were the early colonies governed in the 1600's?

The middle colonies were governed by the king. they were under his authority and subject to his will and pleasure. These colonies were also known as the royal colonies.

How far does a pool have to be from a property line?

Requirements for the location of improvements on property are governed by local (city or county) land use laws and sometimes also by covenants affecting the neighborhood in which the property is located. There is no "one size fits all" answer to this question. A good place to begin looking for the answer would be your local planning authority.

Who governed its colonies through indirect rule in he 1800s?

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