Maryland is in the Eastern Time Zone (GMT-5), while California is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT-8). Maryland is 3 hours ahead of California.
When it is 9 pm in California, it is midnight in Maryland. California is in the Pacific Time Zone, and Maryland is in the Eastern Time Zone, which is three hours ahead.
No. Maryland and Michigan are in the same time zone.
Washington state is located in the Pacific Time Zone.
Eastern Time Zone.
Maryland is in the Eastern Time Zone (GMT-5), while California is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT-8). Maryland is 3 hours ahead of California.
When it is 9 pm in California, it is midnight in Maryland. California is in the Pacific Time Zone, and Maryland is in the Eastern Time Zone, which is three hours ahead.
No. Maryland and Michigan are in the same time zone.
They are in the same time zone- no difference.
Maryland does not have (at this present time) a state amphibian.
No. Both are in the Eastern Time zone.
Maryland and Louisiana are both in the Eastern Time zone. The time is the same in both states.
Washington state is located in the Pacific Time Zone.
Eastern Time Zone.
There is no time difference; Maryland and Pennsylvania are in the same time zone.
Washington is in the Pacific Time Zone.
Yes and no. Time zones change from east to West, not from North to South, and so some of Canada is in the Eastern time zone with Maryland, but much of it is not.