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Edema is the term meaning excess fluid in the body tissues.

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Excess fluid in the human body is excreted by the kidney in the form of urine.

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This fluid build up in tissues is called edema.

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Hydrocele. This condition is common in endemic zone of filariasis.

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Q: What term refers to excessive fluid accumulation in body tissue?
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What causes the accumulation of tissue fluid in starving people?

The accumulation of tissue fluid in starving people is due to a decrease in protein synthesis, which leads to decreased levels of albumin in the blood. This lowered albumin level causes fluid to leak out of the blood vessels and into the tissues, resulting in edema.

Why does the accumulation of protein in the tissue spaces cause edema?

The accumulation of protein in tissue spaces can lead to edema because proteins help to maintain the balance of fluid in the body. When there is an excess of protein in the tissue spaces, it can increase the osmotic pressure, pulling more fluid into the tissues and causing swelling. Additionally, increased protein levels can impair the function of the lymphatic system, which normally helps to drain excess fluid from the tissues.

What is pleural reaction?

Pleural reaction refers to the inflammatory response of the pleura, the tissue lining the lungs and chest cavity, to injury or infection. It can manifest as symptoms like chest pain, difficulty breathing, and pleural effusion (fluid accumulation in the pleural space). Treatment depends on the underlying cause, which may include medications, drainage of fluid, or surgery.

What is soft tissue swelling at the lateral malleolar?

Soft tissue swelling at the lateral malleolus refers to an accumulation of fluid in the tissues around the outer ankle bone. This can be a result of trauma, such as an ankle sprain, or underlying medical conditions like arthritis. It is important to rest, elevate, and ice the affected area to reduce swelling and seek medical attention if there is severe pain or difficulty moving the ankle.

What tissue or gets edematous?

Edema can affect any type of tissue in the body, including skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, organs, and blood vessels. It is caused by an excess accumulation of fluid in the interstitial spaces. The most common areas where edema tends to occur are the ankles, feet, and legs due to gravity.

Related questions

What is edometerous?

Edematous - swollen with an excessive accumulation of fluid.

What is the accumulation of excess fluid in a tissue?


What is medical term meaning excessive accumulation of interstitial fluid?

Edema means collection of fluid in the tissues. Edema is fluid accumulation in tissues which is common in patients with renal disorders, congestive heart failure and patients with preeclampsia. Edema is an accumulation of interstitial fluid, or fluid between cells in the tissue.

What defines tissue swelling due to fluid accumulation?


What is lymphedemia?

ANSWER Simply put, lymphedEMA is an abnormal accumulation of tissue fluid in the lymphatic system. There are different causes, including infections and impairment of the lymphatic vessels or excessive production of fluid caused by venous obstruction. You can read all about it at your local library! <<<ADR>>>

What causes the accumulation of tissue fluid in starving people?

The accumulation of tissue fluid in starving people is due to a decrease in protein synthesis, which leads to decreased levels of albumin in the blood. This lowered albumin level causes fluid to leak out of the blood vessels and into the tissues, resulting in edema.

When lung tissue retains a excessive amount of fluid?

Pulmonary edema

What is the suffix meaning of -dema?

The suffix -dema refers to swelling or accumulation of fluid in a specific area of the body.

What is dropsy?

Dropsy is an outdated term for edema, which is the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body. It can be a symptom of various medical conditions, such as heart failure, kidney disease, or liver disease. Treatment usually involves addressing the underlying cause and may include medications to reduce fluid retention.

What is it called accumulation of tissue fluid?

pulmonary edema - fluid in the air sacs and bronchioles.Most often caused by the inability of the heart to pump blood.

What is Hydrocepyhalus?

Do you mean hydrocephalus? It refers to accumulation of abnormal quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain.

Accumulation of fluid at the site of a wound is the result of the secretion?

Accumulation of fluid at the site of a wound is the result of the body's natural response to injury, where blood vessels become leaky and release fluid into the surrounding tissue. This process, known as inflammation, helps to bring healing factors to the wound site but can also lead to swelling and fluid accumulation.