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Q: Which term describes a setting where group members learn from one another rather than from a group leader?
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Who chooses the leader of a parliament?

The leader of a parliament is typically chosen by the members of the political party or coalition that has the majority of seats in the parliament. The leader is usually elected by party members in a party caucus or meeting. In some parliamentary systems, the leader of the party with the most seats automatically becomes the head of government.

Recall a situation in which you may have encountered or observed groupthink either as member of a group as a target of a decision made by a group or as a simple observer?

I once observed groupthink in a work setting where team members were hesitant to challenge the leader's plan, despite some concerns being raised in private discussions. This led to a suboptimal decision being made because dissenting opinions were not fully considered due to the pressure to conform to the group's consensus.

Who is better between guide and leader?

It depends on the situation and context. A guide typically provides direction and advice, helping individuals navigate a specific task or challenge. A leader, on the other hand, is responsible for setting goals, motivating others, and aligning the team towards a common vision. Both roles are important and can be effective in different scenarios.

What are 5 destructive team behaviors?

Lack of communication: When team members don't communicate effectively, it leads to misunderstandings and conflicts. Blame-shifting: When team members constantly blame others for mistakes instead of taking responsibility, trust and morale within the team can suffer. Micromanaging: When a leader micromanages team members, it can stifle creativity and demotivate them. Groupthink: When team members conform to a consensus without critically evaluating ideas, it can lead to poor decision-making. Withholding feedback: When team members don't provide constructive feedback, it can hinder individual growth and the team's overall progress.

What is the Transition stage of group therapy?

The Transition stage of group therapy is when group members start to establish connections with each other, develop trust, and understand group goals and norms. It is a period of uncertainty and testing limits as the group navigates forming relationships and setting boundaries. This stage helps set the foundation for the work that will be done in the subsequent stages of group therapy.

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Leading the discussion and ensuring that all members have a chance to participate best describes the group role of?

Leading discussion and ensuring that all members have a chance to participate best describes the chairman's role in a group meeting. The Leader of the House of Representatives and The Senate also has this responsibility.

What actions would a leader do to promote unit cohesion?

A leader can promote unit cohesion by fostering open communication, setting clear goals, showing support for team members, and encouraging collaboration among team members. By creating a positive and inclusive team environment, a leader can help build trust and camaraderie among team members.

What best describes the English Reformation?

The English Reformation was initiated due to personal reasons of one leader and continued by another leader in an attempt to return England to the Christian faith

The person in Congress who is the leader of the smaller party in Congress is the?

The leader of the party with the second most members in Congress is called the Senate Minority leader for the Senate and House Minority Leader in the House of Representatives. There may be third party members with just a few members and they might have a leader but that leader is not referred to as the Minority Leader of that House of Congress.

Which term refers to leader of the party with the most members in senate?

The senate majority leader is the term given to the leader of the party with the most members in the senate.

Which terms refers to leader of the party with the most members in the senate?

The senate majority leader is the term given to the leader of the party with the most members in the senate.

Which term refers to the leader of the party with the most members in the Senate?

The senate majority leader is the term given to the leader of the party with the most members in the senate.

Words that describes a leader?

A leader is a man who can get people to do things they don't want to do and like it!

How are Communist made a leader?

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The statement 'The impression a leader makes on others contributes to success in getting people to follow' describes which Army Leader Attribute?

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What does the parilamentary system allow voters to do?

In a parliamentary system voters elect the members of parliament but they do not elect the leader/prime minister. The members of parliament elect the leader.