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The nervous system. Cnidarians have a neural net, but porifera do not.

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Q: Which system is more advanced in cnidarians than in porifera?
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What are 2 ways cnidarians are more advanced than jellyfish?

Jellyfish are cnidarians.

How do cubozoans differ from scyphozoans and other cnidarians?

Cubozoans, also known as box jellyfish, differ from scyphozoans in having a box-shaped bell and complex eyes. They are more advanced in terms of their nervous system and sensory structures. Compared to other cnidarians, cubozoans have more potent venom and a more potent sting that can be harmful to humans.

What group do cnidarians belong to?

Cnidarians are a phyla in the kingdom Animalia, and more specifically, the subkingdom Eumetazoa.

How big is the phylum porifera?

The phylum porifera includes all of the pourus (holey) sponges, its not gigantic but its more than two species.

How are cnidarians more advanced then jellyfish?

Sponges are less complex because they are just made of individual cells. There is no level of organization past cells in sponges. Cnidarians, on the other hand, have tissues, a higher level of organization. Tissues allow for some forms, like box jelly fish, to have eyes (this is just one of many advantages of tissues). Cnidarians' level of organization stops there though, they have no organs (heart, brain, etc.).

What adaptations do phylum porifera have that are unique?

Unique stuctures of Phylum Porifera include 1 : Spicules which may be calcarious or silicious . 2 : Canl system , which may be asconoid , syconoid or leucon type . 3 Spongin fibers in some fresh water sponges .

How are worms mollusks and Cnidaria alike?

A worm is usually on land and is a generic term for all non-arthropod invertebrates. A cnidaria generally lives in marine and other aquatic environments, and have specialized cells that capture prey.

What do flatworms have that sponges and cnidarians dont?

Flatowrms have muscle cells, they are a triploblastic phylum. They have endo, meso and ectoderm layersSponges are Parazoa and lack any true tissue at allCnidaria are diploblastic, having only endoderm and ectoderm

Where do euplectelea live?

Euplectelea is categorized as Porifera in the Phylum Animalia.Most of the Porifera organisms have a marine habitat except a few.Hence EUPLECTELEA`s habitat is marine.Read more: What_is_habitat_of_euplectelea

What is the scientific name of Porifera?

There are more than 8,000 species. You would need to be more specific.

Is trematoda or nematoda evolutionarily more advanced?

Trematoda are more evolutionarily advanced because they show the traits of cephalization, an organ system, and have a lophophore. While nematoda have none of these traits.

What is an advanced system optimizer used for?

An Advanced System Optimizer is used to improve computer performance and speed. It has features like Speedup, Cleanup, memory management and a lot more. It is a general computer cleanup software.