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Q: Which system is made up of skin hair and nails that protect underlying tissue?
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What skin hair and nails of this system provide a protective layer for your body?

The skin, hair, and nails provide a protective layer for the body. The skin acts as a barrier against harmful substances, prevents dehydration, and helps regulate body temperature. Hair helps to protect the scalp from UV radiation and provides insulation. Nails protect the fingertips and enhance tactile sensations.

How does the integumentary system protect us from uv rays?

The integumentary system, which includes the skin, hair, and nails, protects us from UV rays by producing melanin, a pigment that absorbs UV radiation and helps to prevent skin damage. Additionally, the skin thickens in response to UV exposure, providing a physical barrier to further protect underlying tissues. Sunscreen can also be applied to further protect the skin from UV damage.

What is the cure for clubbing of the nails?

Clubbing of the nails is a symptom of an underlying medical condition, so the treatment involves addressing the root cause. This may include managing heart or lung disease, liver disease, or other conditions contributing to the clubbing. Consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

From which of these layers do hair nails epithelial tissue develop?


What is the correct order for organational hierarchy from simplest to most complex?

The correct sequence of increasing organizational complexity is cell, tissue, organ, organ system, and organism. Mammals have hair and nails, fish have bony scales, and birds have feathers.

Related questions

What is the protein found in nails and hair?

Keratin is the protein in the epidermis that helps protect the skin and underlying tissue. Keratin is strong and waterproof.

What protein is found in the skin hair and nails?

Nails are made of up the protein called keratin, which is a tough and insoluble structual protein. It is basically dead skin cells.

What covers the outside of organs and the body?

The outside of organs and the body is covered by a layer of protective tissue called the epithelium. This tissue helps to protect the organs from damage and regulate the exchange of substances between the body and its environment.

What system protects the underlying organs from drying out and mechanical damage?

The organ system that protects underlying organs from drying out and mechanical damage is the integumentary system. This system is made up of the skin, hair and nails.

What is the function of nails?

Your nails protect the sensitive ends of your fingers and toes. You can use your nails to pick up very objects small or to peel of objects that are adhered to surfaces- objects that your hands can't pick up. Wash your hands after using your nails. Grime gets under nails easily. Or it could be objects, usually made of metal, to hold wooden pieces together. the function of the nails in the integumentary system is to protect the tissue that lies beneath them.

Why are the nails important?

You should not eat or bite your nails because they protect the tip of your fingers and toes , like hair nails grow in your skin. Keeping your nails trimmed is also important for your nails and health.

Is Nails a connective tissue?

No. They are not connective tissue.

Does it hurt when a guy fingers you?

It can if he is too rough. Check his finger nails over before you allow this. Long nails can cut your tissue and dirty nails are not good either so to protect your self check his hands. Make him wash them and trim nails.

Why the nails grow?

Your nails protect your skin under your nails.

What type tissue is the nails?

Your nails come from nail bed. Nails are connected to the skin below. The trauma to the nails is borne by large surface area. This gives very strong support to nails to withstand the applied force on the nails. Nails of some animals are very strong as a result.

What makes nails resistant to abrasion?

Nails are resistant to abrasion due to their densely packed layers of keratin protein, which provide strength and durability. The hard keratin in nails also helps to protect underlying tissues from damage and wear. Additionally, the shape and structure of nails, with their curved surface and smooth texture, contribute to their resistance to abrasion.

What are the parts and functions of integumentary system?

The two main parts of the integumentary system is the epidermis and the dermis. There are also a number of accessory parts such as hair, glands, nerve receptors, etc. The functions of the integumentary system are mostly to protect the underlying tissues but also aids in heat regulation, waste excretion, and vitamin D production.