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Q: Which surface features do living organisms build up?
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Does a coral have a head?

No because coral is not a living thing it is the tiny organisms living in side of it that make it living. these organisms are the reason coral grows as they build it around them.

Why petchay needs nitrogen?

all living organisms need nitrigen to build proteins

Living organisms require nitrogen to make nitrates and nitrites which are used to build what?

Living organisms require nitrogen to make nitrates and nitrites, which are used to build proteins and nucleic acids like DNA and RNA. Nitrogen is an essential component of these macromolecules, which are crucial for the growth and functioning of cells in living organisms.

What is the gradual build up of synthetic and organic chemicals in living organisms?

Bioaccumulation is the gradual build up of synthetic and organic chemicals in living organisms over time. These chemicals can come from sources like food, water, and air, and tend to accumulate in higher concentrations as they move up the food chain. Bioaccumulation can have harmful effects on organisms and ecosystems.

Living organisms require nitrogen to make nitrates and nitrites which are used to build?

Living organisms require nitrogen to make nitrates and nitrites, which are essential components for building proteins, nucleic acids, and other important biomolecules. These compounds are necessary for growth, development, and overall cellular function in organisms.

What geological feature is created by living organisms?

Reefs are geological features created by living organisms, such as corals, which build up over time as they secrete calcium carbonate skeletons. Reefs provide unique habitats for a diverse array of marine life.

What about the monomers and polymers found in living organisms is false?

Monomers are the smaller molecular units that are used to build polymers in living organisms, such as amino acids forming proteins. Polymers are large molecules made up of repeating units of monomers, like DNA made of nucleotide monomers. The statement that monomers and polymers found in living organisms are false is inaccurate; they are essential components of biological molecules.

How do living things use nutrients?

Living things use nutrients as a source of energy to carry out various biological processes such as growth, repair, and reproduction. Nutrients are also used to build and maintain the structure of cells and tissues in living organisms. Additionally, nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of enzymes and other proteins that regulate biochemical reactions in the body.

How many common amino acids are formed and used by living organisms?

There are 20 common amino acids that are used by living organisms to build proteins. These amino acids have specific structures and properties that allow them to play various roles in biological processes.

Organisms need nitrogen to build what?


What Cumulative and noncumulative pollutants?

Cumulative pollutants are substances that build up over time in the environment or living organisms, such as heavy metals or persistent organic pollutants. Noncumulative pollutants are those that are not stored in the environment and do not accumulate in organisms, like volatile organic compounds or some pesticides.

Why do all organisms require nitrogen?

Nitrogen is a vital component of many biological molecules, including proteins and nucleic acids. It is essential for processes like growth, reproduction, and DNA synthesis in organisms. Plants, animals, and microorganisms all require nitrogen to build and maintain their cellular structures and perform various metabolic functions.