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The sugar in DNA is 2-deoxyribose, a pentose sugar (meaning it has 5 carbons).

Deoxyribose is a 5 carbon pentose which has one less oxygen molecule compared to pentose ribose. Deoxyribose is found in DNA

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โˆ™ 9y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

Desoxyribose Nucleic Acid, in which desoxyribose is the 'sugar' part

(with idealized formula: H-(C=O)-(CH2)-(CHOH)3-H, one of four possible penta-aldose isomers).

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โˆ™ 11y ago

DNA is made up of a sugar group and a phosphate group being repeated. The sugar present is deoxyribose and the phosphate present is attached to the sugar. The sugar group is a 5 member ring containing 4 carbons and 1 oxygen.

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โˆ™ 2mo ago

Deoxyribose is the sugar found in the DNA molecule. It is a five-carbon sugar that forms the backbone of the DNA double helix structure.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

Deoxyribose, hence its name.

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Q: What sugar is found in the DNA molecule?
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What types of sugar is found in DNA?

The sugar that is found in DNA is known as deoxyribose.

What is the name of the sugar molecule found in DNA necleotides?

The sugar molecule found in DNA nucleotides is called deoxyribose.

What is sugar in DNA?

Sugar in DNA refers to deoxyribose, a type of sugar molecule that is a structural component of DNA. Deoxyribose is a 5-carbon sugar that makes up the backbone of the DNA molecule, linking the nucleotide bases together.

Type of sugar found in DNA?

Deoxyribose sugar is found in DNA. It is a five-carbon sugar molecule that forms the backbone of the DNA double helix structure.

What is the name of the sugar molecules found in DNA?

The sugar molecules found in DNA are called deoxyribose. They are a key component of the DNA structure, forming the backbone of the molecule along with phosphate groups.

What is the sugar that's found in DNA is?

The sugar found in DNA is deoxyribose. It is a five-carbon sugar molecule that forms the backbone of the DNA double helix structure along with phosphate groups.

What type of sugar makes up the backbone of the DNA molecule?

Deoxyribose sugar makes up the backbone of the DNA molecule. This sugar is a type of pentose sugar that forms the repeating units along the DNA strand.

What molecule is found in DNA but not in RNA?

Thymine is a nucleobase found in DNA, but it is not present in RNA. In RNA, thymine is replaced by uracil.

What is the difference between DNA Molecule and RNA molecule?

A DNA molecule is made up of deoxyribose sugar while RNA is made up of ribose sugar. A DNA molecule is double stranded whilst a RNA molecule is single stranded. A DNA molecule only contains the bases; Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine. However a RNA molecule contains the bases; Uracil, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine. DNA is only found in the nucleus of a cell, while RNA is found in the cytoplasm.

The sugar found in DNA?

There is no sugar in DNA. DNA is made up of nucleotides, which consist of a sugar molecule (deoxyribose), a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.

What is the shape of the sugar found in the DNA?

The sugar found in DNA is deoxyribose, which is a five-carbon sugar molecule. It has a pentose ring structure, which means it forms a five-sided ring shape.

What are the sugars found in DNA called?

The sugars found in DNA are called deoxyribose. It is a five-carbon sugar that forms the backbone of the DNA molecule.