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This depends on the kind of pH paper.

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Q: Which substance changes the colour of pH paper into greenish?
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What is that piece of paper that you dip in a chemical and it changes colour?

Litmus paper

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What colour will litmus paper go if dipped in acid substance?


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only contain one colour

What is a substance that changes color?

An example of a substance that changes color is litmus paper. Litmus paper is commonly used in chemistry as an indicator to determine the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, as it changes color in response to the pH level of the substance it is in contact with.

What name is given to a substance which changes colour in acids and alkali's?

A substance that changes color in acids and alkalis is called an indicator. These are often used in laboratory settings to determine the pH of a solution based on the color change it undergoes when exposed to different levels of acidity or alkalinity.

What is something that changes color in ways that lets you identify a substance?

Litmus paper is a substance that changes color in the presence of acids or bases. Acids turn litmus paper red, while bases turn it blue. By observing the color change, you can identify whether a substance is acidic or basic.

What happends to m8 paper when it comes into with a liquid nerve or blister agent?

It changes colour.

What is a substance that changes color when an acid or a base is added?

An example of a substance that changes color when an acid or a base is added is litmus paper. Litmus paper turns red in acidic solutions and blue in basic solutions, making it a useful tool for identifying the pH of a substance.

What is something that changes color in ways that let you identify a substance?

Indicators such as litmus paper

Why is acid sour in taste?

Yes, the taste of acid is sour bcuz it changes the colour of blue litmus paper in red colour when we put it in acid.