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Q: Which subatomic particle repel against each other?
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What is a property that causes subatomic particles such as protons and electrons to attract or repel each other?

Electric charge is a property that causes subatomic particles such as protons and electrons to attract or repel each other. Particles with opposite charges (e.g. positive and negative) attract each other, while particles with the same charge (e.g. positive and positive) repel each other.

What do alike charges do?

repel against each other

What happens when a charged particle is placed in the electric field of another particle with the same charge?

The two particles will repel each other due to the like charges. This repulsion force will push the particles away from each other. The strength of the repulsion force depends on the charges of the particles and their distance from each other.

How does an electron exert a force on another charged particle?

An electron exerts a force on another charged particle through the electromagnetic force. This force arises due to the interaction of the electric fields surrounding the charged particles. Like charges repel each other, so electrons (which are negatively charged) repel other negatively charged particles.

Is repel the opposite of attract?

In the context of physics, yes. In this context, "repel" refers to two objects that push against each other, while "attract" refers to two objects that pull towards each other.

What causes charged particle to attract or repel each other?

Charged particles attract or repel each other due to the electromagnetic force. Like charges (positive-positive or negative-negative) repel each other because they have the same type of charge, while opposite charges (positive-negative) attract each other because they have different types of charge.

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What happens to a positively charged alpha particle that comes near the positively-charged nucleus?

It will repel

What happens to the positively charged alpha particle that comes near the positively charged nucleus?

It will repel

What happen to a positively-charged alpha particle that comes near the positively-charged nucleus?

It will repel

Would 2 protons attract or repel each other?

Protons would repel each other due to their positive electrical charge. Like charges repel each other, while opposite charges attract.