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Q: Which structure groups together people working on the same product in the same geographical area or with similar customers?
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What are the components in departmentation?

Departmentation typically includes functional departmentation (based on functions of an organization), product departmentation (based on specific products or product lines), geographical departmentation (based on different regions), process departmentation (based on specific processes involved in the organization), and customer departmentation (based on different types of customers). Each component helps to divide and organize the organizational structure based on different criteria.

What are the different forms of utility?

There are four main forms of utility: form utility (changing the physical characteristics of a product to make it more valuable), time utility (making a product available when customers want it), place utility (making a product available where customers want it), and ownership utility (transferring ownership of a product to the customer).

What is product assortment?

Product assortment refers to the range of products that a retailer or a company offers to its customers. It includes different variations of products such as colors, sizes, and styles to meet the diverse preferences and needs of customers. A well-planned product assortment helps to cater to the target market and increase sales.

What is the core benefit?

The core benefit is the primary value or advantage that a product or service offers to its customers. It addresses the fundamental need or problem that the product/service aims to fulfill or solve, making it the main reason why customers choose it over alternatives.

What is an example of a defraud?

An example of defrauding someone would be falsely advertising a product as being effective for weight loss when it is not, and convincing customers to buy it based on this false claim. This would result in customers spending money on a product that does not deliver the promised results.

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What are worldwide area division structure and worldwide product division structure?

1. Worldwide product division structure - The worldwide product division structure is an organizational structure where the first division after the CEO is by product. 2. Worldwide area structure - The worldwide area structure is really the geographical division structure, and is an organizational structure where the first division after the CEO is by geographical area.

Is functional structure the same thing as divisional structure?

functional structure arises when people with similar occupational specialities come together to form formal groups. on the other hand, divisional structure separates the organisation based on their diverse occupational specialities in formal groups by certain characteristics such as similar product/services, customers, geographical locations etc

What is the proess of promoting and presenting a product to customers?

what is the process of promoting and presenting a product to customers.

What are the components in departmentation?

Departmentation typically includes functional departmentation (based on functions of an organization), product departmentation (based on specific products or product lines), geographical departmentation (based on different regions), process departmentation (based on specific processes involved in the organization), and customer departmentation (based on different types of customers). Each component helps to divide and organize the organizational structure based on different criteria.

What is customer structure?

when customers around the world are willing to buy the same kind of product, or slight variations thereof, managers are mo lekely to pursue a ____ structure. A. Market B. Customer C. Global geographic D. Global Transitional E. Global Product

What is a demand for a product?

A demand for a product is when a customer expresses a desire or willingness to purchase a product. It is the amount of a product that customers are willing to buy at a specific price. Generally the demand for a product is determined by the price of the product the customers income the availability of a substitute and the customers preferences. When the price rises demand falls and when the price decreases demand increases.Factors that affect the demand for a product include: Price of the product Customers income Availability of a substitute Customers preferencesIf the price of the product rises then the demand for the product falls and vice versa. This is due to the fact that customers are willing to pay a certain price for a product and when the price increases customers will be less likely to purchase the product.

What is product divisional structure?

What is product divisional structure?

How do you write a letter informing your customers about a new product?

You write a letter informing your customers about a new product by sending out a large informative email blast that shows customers the value of your new product.

What is the definition of divisional structure?

A divisional structure divides the company into divisions that bring together those employees involved with a certain type of product or market service

What is an obsolete product?

The product is called absolute product when the product is up to the requirements of the customers.

What is divisional structures?

Divisional organisation is the process of creating at the primary level a series of relatively autonomous units, usually based on product groupings

Which features is significant for market structure?

Significant features for a market structure include the number of firms and their scale, market share of the bigger firms, the nature of costs, extent of product differentiation, turnover of customers, and vertical integration.