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In eutrophication the nitrification step in the nitrogen cycle increases resulting in the over growth of food that plants can feed on. This can lead to a lower oxygen level causing the death of marine life.

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Q: Which step in the nitrogen cycle is accelerated in the eutrophication process?
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What is the relationship between the nitrogen cycle and eutrophication?

The water cycle can get affected by eutrophication because it is harder for the water droplets to evaporate as algae usually starts growing and makes a layer above the water.

What is the process is the nitrogen cycle?


What would happen if the bacteria that cause denitrification were removed from the nitrogen cycle?

If the bacteria responsible for denitrification were removed from the nitrogen cycle, there would be an accumulation of excess nitrate in the environment. This could lead to water pollution, eutrophication of water bodies, and disruptions in the overall nitrogen balance. It would also affect plant growth and ecosystem health.

What process in an organism is linked to the carbon cycle but not the nitrogen cycle?

Photosynthesis is a process in an organism that is linked to the carbon cycle but not the nitrogen cycle. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is taken up by plants to produce glucose and oxygen, which are important components of the carbon cycle. However, nitrogen is not directly involved in this process.

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What converts gaseous nitrogen into ammonia in the nitrogen cycle?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, such as Rhizobium and Azotobacter, convert gaseous nitrogen into ammonia through a process called nitrogen fixation. This process helps make nitrogen available to plants for growth and is a key step in the nitrogen cycle.

How can burning fossil fuels affect the nitrogen cycle?

Burning fossil fuels releases nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, which can contribute to nitrogen deposition when they combine with water vapor. This can lead to an increase in nitrogen loading in ecosystems, impacting soil health, water quality, and biodiversity. Alterations to the nitrogen cycle can disrupt natural processes and lead to environmental problems like eutrophication.

Is it true that the process of combining nitrogen with other elements in order to make usable compounds is called the nitrogen cycle?

No, the process of combining nitrogen with other elements to make usable compounds is not called the nitrogen cycle. The nitrogen cycle refers to the natural processes by which nitrogen is converted between its various chemical forms in the environment, including nitrogen fixation, nitrification, and denitrification.

What is the process by which bacteria takes nitrogen from the air and form nitrogen compounds?

Nitrification, an important step in the nitrogen cycle.

What is the connection between fertilizer and the nitrogen cycle?

Fertilizers provide plants with essential nutrients like nitrogen to help them grow. When these fertilizers break down, excess nitrogen can enter the soil and water, impacting the nitrogen cycle. This can lead to environmental issues like eutrophication, where excessive nutrients cause algal blooms and deplete oxygen levels in water bodies.

What name is given to the process in which nitrogen is converted into compounds to be used by organisms?

it's nitrogen cycle........

How could the widespread misuse of nitrogen fixed fertilizer lead to an imbalance in the oxygen cycle?

The widespread misuse of nitrogen fixed fertilizer can lead to an imbalance in the oxygen cycle because it can result in excessive nitrogen runoff into water bodies. This excess nitrogen can lead to eutrophication, where algae overgrowth occurs and depletes oxygen levels in the water as it decomposes. This depletion of oxygen can harm aquatic life and disrupt the natural oxygen cycle.