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That refers to Sir Isaac newton.

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Q: Which scientist studied forces and the motion of objects and introduced his 3 famous laws of motion?
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Isaac Newton was a great scientist.He studied the forces and motion of objects and introduced his famous 3 laws of motion.He also introduced Algebra. Isaac Newton was a great scientist.He studied the forces and motion of objects and introduced his famous 3 laws of motion.He also introduced Algebra.

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Isaac Newton is a famous scientist who studied forces. He formulated the laws of motion, including the law of universal gravitation, which describe the relationship between an object and the forces acting upon it.

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One famous scientist who studied thermodynamics is Ludwig Boltzmann. He made significant contributions to the field, including the development of statistical mechanics and the formulation of the famous Boltzmann equation. His work laid the foundation for our understanding of the behavior of gases and the concept of entropy.

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Charles Darwin is the famous scientist who introduced the idea of natural selection through his theory of evolution in his book "On the Origin of Species." Darwin proposed that species that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, leading to the gradual change of species over time.

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