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Q: Which scientist is known for contributions to a scientific discipline that is different from that of the other three scientists?
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Who is the oldest scientist in the world?

It is difficult to determine the oldest scientist in the world as there are many accomplished individuals in the field of science who have made significant contributions over the years. It is important to recognize the wide range of scientists across different disciplines and age groups who continue to make valuable contributions to the scientific community.

Who are foreign scientists?

Foreign scientists are researchers and academics in the scientific field who are from a different country than the one where they are conducting their research. They often collaborate with local scientists to bring fresh perspectives and expertise to various scientific projects.

When scientists use a what for an organism they can be certain they are all discussing the same organism?

Scientists use a standardized naming system called binomial nomenclature, where each organism is given a unique two-part scientific name consisting of its genus and species. This helps ensure clarity and consistency in identifying and referencing the same organism across different scientific studies and discussions.

If Galileo didn't exist would the world be different?

Yes, the world would likely be different without Galileo. His contributions to the fields of physics and astronomy helped to shape our modern understanding of the universe. Without his influence, scientific progress may have been delayed or taken a different trajectory.

What are the importance of contribution of scientist?

Scientists contribute to society by advancing knowledge, solving complex problems, and driving innovation. Their research and discoveries lead to technological advancements, improved quality of life, and a better understanding of the world around us. Scientific contributions also help address global challenges such as climate change, disease prevention, and sustainable development.

Related questions

Who invented the scientific metod?

different Scientists contributed in development of scientific method .

How is a scientific hypothesis from a scientific theory?

Have you heard the word "theory" used in a different way by non scientists in everyday conversation? How is this use of the word different from a scientific theory?

What are the different types of scientific observation?

According to scientists, the different types of scientific observations include natural and staged observations as well as quantitative and qualitative observations.

Who is the oldest scientist in the world?

It is difficult to determine the oldest scientist in the world as there are many accomplished individuals in the field of science who have made significant contributions over the years. It is important to recognize the wide range of scientists across different disciplines and age groups who continue to make valuable contributions to the scientific community.

What has french got to do with scinece?

Many Fench scientists made important contributions to many different aspects and fields of science.

What are the different between a scientists law and scientific theory?

law is based on fact theory is a concept/idea

What are the different scientific attitudes possessed by the scientists and identify each of them?

ewan ko d ko alam

How do scientist solve problem in scientific way?

Using the scientific method, scientists can work together to test different hypotheses and determine the best solution for the problem

What is true about scientific debates A always resolve the problem B scientists work out different views C scientific evidence is not used D everyone must agree?

Scientific debates let scientists work out different views. Debates present differing ideas and views with that scientist's "scientific evidence", but scientists do not always agree and cannot always resolve the problem(s). Debates are like a think tank. They generate more ideas than declaring one solution or answer.

Who are foreign scientists?

Foreign scientists are researchers and academics in the scientific field who are from a different country than the one where they are conducting their research. They often collaborate with local scientists to bring fresh perspectives and expertise to various scientific projects.

What is the reason that the scientific classification is written in Latin?

Scientific classification is written in Latin to avoid confusion between scientists that speak different languages than one another.

How do you say discipline in Dutch?

discipline, but you say it different.