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Q: Which reactions will usually be irreversible regarding chemical equilibrium in living systems. A) glucose to CO2 and H2O B) ADP Pi to make ATP C) glucose molecules joined to make glycogen D) H2O CO2 t?
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What reactions will usually be irreversible regarding chemical equilibrium in human bodies?

In human bodies, reactions involving the breakdown of complex molecules such as ATP to release energy are usually irreversible because they are energetically favorable and crucial for cellular functions. Other examples include the hydrolysis of peptide bonds during protein digestion and the conversion of glucose to pyruvate during glycolysis, which are also irreversible reactions due to the need for energy release or specific metabolic pathways.

Which statement is false regarding glycolysis?

Every step is irreversible.

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Yes, liquid water molecules have higher kinetic energy and are constantly moving and sliding past each other, while ice molecules are more tightly packed and vibrate in fixed positions. This difference in motion and arrangement is what distinguishes the solid ice state from the liquid water state.

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Liquid water molecules have more kinetic energy and are moving more freely than ice molecules, which are in a more ordered and rigid structure. As a result, liquid water flows more easily compared to ice, which is more solid and less fluid.

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One likely event is the prebiotic formation of simple biological molecules like amino acids through chemical reactions in the early Earth's atmosphere and oceans. This hypothesis can be tested by recreating the conditions of early Earth in laboratory settings to observe if similar molecules can be formed.

What conclusion can you make regarding the polarity of hydrocarbons?

Hydrocarbons may be considered as nonpolar molecules.

What statements regarding respiration is not true?

Some facts about cellular respiration are:Cellular respiration takes place in cells.It is the set of metabolic reactions and processes that converts biochemical energy from nutrients into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and releases waste products.The catabolic reactions involved break large molecules into smaller molecules and release energy in the process.Respiration is a key way a cell gains useful energy to fuel cellular activity.It is an exothermic redox reaction which releases heat.Cellular respiration occurs in a series of biochemical steps.