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The condition is called intussusception. It occurs when one segment of the bowel slides into the adjacent segment, causing obstruction and potential complications like tissue damage or reduced blood flow to the affected area. Immediate medical attention is necessary to diagnose and treat intussusception.

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Q: Which rare condition occurs when the bowel turns in on itself and becomes obstructed?
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What reaction occurs in a protostar that has becomes very hot?


What occurs to the reducing agent in a reduction reactions?

In a reduction reaction, the reducing agent loses electrons and is oxidized. It transfers electrons to the substance being reduced. This transfer of electrons causes the reduction of the other substance.

What occurs when the radicle of the seed becomes the root and the hypocotyl becomes the stem and leaves?

This process is known as germination and it marks the beginning of a plant's growth cycle. As the radicle grows into the root system and the hypocotyl develops into the stem and leaves, the seedling starts to photosynthesize and establish itself as an independent plant. Nutrients stored in the seed provide the energy for the initial growth until the young plant can sustain itself through photosynthesis.

What is formed when a joint becomes frozen and unable to move?

When a joint becomes frozen and unable to move, it is known as a condition called adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder. This occurs due to inflammation and tightening of the capsule surrounding the joint, leading to decreased range of motion and pain. Physical therapy and gentle stretching exercises are often recommended to improve mobility in frozen shoulder.

What is the change of state that occurs when fat from a roasting dish becomes hard?

The change of state that occurs when fat from a roasting dish becomes hard is called solidification. This happens when the fat cools down and transitions from a liquid state to a solid state, typically due to a drop in temperature.

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