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Q: Which radiographic study is also known as a flat-plate of the abdomen?
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What is Radiographic study of the arteries?

What is radiographic study of the arteries? It is an arteriogram, a graphic image or x-ray of the internal arteries.

What is radiographic of the arteries?

What is radiographic study of the arteries? It is an arteriogram, a graphic image or x-ray of the internal arteries.

Is KUB a radiographic study of the kidneys ureters and bladder?


What type of pyelogram is the radiographic study of the kidneys and ureters using contrast medium injected into a vein?

IVP or intravenous pyelogramKUBPyelogram

What is the medical term meaning radiographic study of the blood vessels in the retina of the eye?

Fluorescein angiography is the medical term meaning radiographic study of the blood vessels of the retina. This process can examine retinal vessels in the case of diabetes.

Radiographic study involving the urinary system is?

Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) is a radiographic study involving the urinary system. It uses a contrast material injected into a vein to visualize the kidneys, ureters, and bladder on X-ray images. IVP is primarily used to evaluate the structure and function of the urinary system.

Is a radiography study of the spinal cord using contrast medium?

A myelogram is a radiographic study of the spinal cord using contrast medium. The process is known as myelography.

What is the process of recording a radiographic study of the blood vessels after injection of a contrast medium called?


What is the medical term meaning radiographic study of blood vessels?

Hematology is the study of blood and blood diseases and disorders. A specialist in this field is a hematologist. The term is derived from the Greek word Hema, which is blood and the Latin word ology, which means study of.

What is the medical term meaning radiographic study to visualize the dimensions of the heart?

A ultrasound test of the heart is called an echocardiogram

What is the process of recording a radiographic study?

The process involves positioning the patient on the radiographic table, adjusting the x-ray equipment, and shielding the patient when necessary. The radiologic technologist then takes the x-ray image and ensures it is of diagnostic quality before saving it for review by the radiologist or physician.

What is the study of unacceptable radiographs called?

The study of unacceptable radiographs is called radiographic reject analysis. It involves evaluating radiographs that do not meet quality standards to identify the reasons for rejection and improve image quality.