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Q: Which quantity contains Avogadro's number of molecules?
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Avogadros number is the number what?

It is the number of fundamental particles - atoms or molecules - of a substance in 1 mole of that substance.

How many molecules of water in 877 moles?

1 mole of any compound or element contains Avogadros Number (6.023 X 1023) molecules or atoms So 877 moles contains 877 X (6.023 X 1023) = 5.282 X 1026

Which quantity is the same for one mole of ethanol and one mole of ethane?

The total number of molecules is equal.

How many formula units are in 5.33 mol of CuCl2?

A mole of substance contains Avogadros number (6.022 X 1023) formula units or molecules). 5.33 mol will contain 5.33 X 6.022 X1023 = 3.209 X1024

How many Cu atoms in 5.33 moles CuCl2?

The number of copper atoms is 10,699.10e23.

What quantity of Oxygen contains same number of molecules as 36 grams of water?

36 grams of water is equal to 2 moles. Therefore, to find the quantity of oxygen molecules that contain the same number of molecules as 36 grams of water, you would need 4 moles of oxygen since the molecular formula of water is H2O.

What information does moles provide using Avogadros number?

1 mole has 6,022 140 857 (74).1023 molecules, atoms, ions.

In Avogadros number is defined as the number of particles in?

A mole.

What is the relationship beween avogadros number and the mole?

Avogadro's number represents the number of units of a substance in one mole of the substance. These units may be electrons, atoms, ions, or molecules, depending on the substance.

Do avogadros number have anything to do with mass and velocity of atoms?


How do you say 6.02X1023 in plain form?

Its avogadros number

How many H2O molecules are in a mole of water molecules?

A mole of water (H2O) molecules contains approximately 6.022 x 10^23 molecules. This number is known as Avogadro's number. Each mole of water molecules contains this specific number of molecules due to the atomic/molecular weight and mole concept.