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Q: Which properties increases down the periodic table?
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What happens to the atomic radius as you move down the periodic table?

Down a group, the atomic radius increases as the number of shells or energy levels increases.

What happendS to atomic radius as u go down the periodic taBLE?

the atomic radius increases down the periodic table as the number of shell (or energy level) increases.

What properties increase down the periodic table?

Atomic Mass

How the density properties generally change as you go down the columns of the periodic table?

The density properties generally change as you go down the columns of the Periodic Table by increasing.

How does atomic radius increases in the periodic table?

atomic radius increases down a group as the number of shells increases

How does atomic mass change as you go up and down?

it increases as you go down the periodic table

When moving down a group in the periodic table what does the number of valence electrons do?

The number of valence electrons increases by one as you move down a group in the periodic table. Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom, and they determine the chemical properties of an element.

How does reading across a period the periodic table compare with reading down a group of the table?

Periods (across the Periodic Table) have increasing Atomic Mass. Groups (down the table) have similar properties and reactive natures.

How the melting temperature properties generally change as you go down the columns of the periodic table?

The melting temperature properties generally change as you go down the columns of the Periodic Table by decreasing for metals and increasing for non-metals.

Do elements on the periodic table increase in electronegitivity as you go left to right or up and down?

Electronegativity increases as we move from left to right on the periodic table.

How does electronegative change going down and across the periodic table?

Electronegativity generally decreases as you go down a group on the periodic table due to the increasing distance between the nucleus and valence electrons, reducing the attractive force. Across a period, electronegativity generally increases due to the increasing nuclear charge, pulling valence electrons closer and increasing their attraction.

How does electronegative change going down and across the table?

Electronegativity increases across (left to right) the periodic table and decreases on going down.