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Burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas. This is contributing to global warming.

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The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) into the atmosphere, which are greenhouse gases that trap heat and contribute to global warming. These emissions come from activities such as burning coal, oil, and natural gas for electricity, transportation, and industrial processes.

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Q: Which products of burning fossil fuels contribute to global warming?
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How does electric contribute to global warming?

Most electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming

Which is an effect of burning fossil fuels?

Pollution is released into the atmosphere. ..

How do humans contribute to climate change not including global warming?

Humans contribute to climate change in various ways beyond global warming, such as through deforestation, which reduces carbon storage capacity; air pollution from fossil fuel combustion, which can impact cloud formation and precipitation patterns; and land-use changes, which alter local climate conditions and ecosystems. These impacts collectively affect the Earth's climate system in multiple ways beyond just an increase in temperature.

Which ways of producing electricity contributes to global warming?

Any electricity generated by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) contributes to global warming. Renewable energy does not contribute to global warming (except in a small way during equipment manufacture).Any electricity generated by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) contributes to global warming. Renewable energy does not contribute to global warming (except in a small way during equipment manufacture).

Are trains a cause of global warming?

Trains contribute to global warming primarily through emissions from burning fossil fuels that power them, such as diesel. However, compared to other modes of transportation like cars and airplanes, trains are more fuel-efficient and emit less greenhouse gases per passenger mile. Efforts to transition to cleaner energy sources like electricity can help reduce the environmental impact of trains.

How do power stations cause global warming?

Power stations burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas to generate electricity. This combustion releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases trap heat, leading to an increase in the Earth's temperature and contributing to global warming.

How does nitrogen contribute to global warming?

It does not. Nitrogen is not one of the greenhouse gases.Nitrous oxide, released by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) is a greenhouse gas, and this is contributing to global warming.

How does using a stove contribute to global warming?

Using a stove contributes to global warming by releasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when burning fossil fuels such as natural gas, propane, or coal. These gases trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to an increase in global temperatures and contributing to climate change.

Which change in the atmosphere appears to contribute to global warning?

Large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) entering the atmosphere appears to contribute to global warming. One way humans contribute to this problem is by burning fossil fuels.

How does a non vegetarian contribute to global warming?

Any use of electricity, as well as travel, that relies on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) or the burning of it.

Does the cutting down of the rain forest contribute to the melting of the polar ice caps?

Cutting down rainforests contributes to climate change by releasing stored carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which can lead to rising global temperatures. This can indirectly contribute to the melting of the polar ice caps by accelerating the overall warming of the planet.

How do human contribute?

Humans burn fossil fuels which contribute to global warming. This includes the burning of coal, oil, and gasoline. Humans also cut down forests which contributes 15% to the total of CO2.