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Q: Which process is used to create a clone of an animal such as a car?
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What process is used to create a clone?

Nuclear transfer

How can clone be used in a sentence?

The scientist made a clone of himself. The clone is identical to the original animal.

What word do is used to describe the asexual reproduction of a genetic carbon copy of an animal or a plant?

The term you're looking for is "cloning." It is the process of creating a genetically identical copy of an organism using its DNA.

Whose DNA was used to create the clone troopers?

Jango Fett's DNA was used to create the clone troopers in Star Wars. Tam We was the character that did the actual cloning of the troopers in the series.

Why do people clone animals?

People clone animals for various reasons, such as preserving endangered species, studying diseases and genetic disorders, and producing livestock with desirable traits. Cloning can also be used to create genetically identical animals for research purposes.

What process used to create a clone?

Nuclear transfer

Can the nucleus of an adult cell be injected into an egg cell and produce a clone?

Yes, it is possible to create a clone by transferring the nucleus of an adult cell into an egg cell. This process, known as somatic cell nuclear transfer, has been used in cloning research to create genetically identical animals. However, there are ethical concerns associated with human cloning.

Who coined the term 'animal cloning'?

The term "animal cloning" was likely coined by scientists in the field of biotechnology and genetics during the development of techniques to clone animals, such as Dolly the sheep in 1996. The term refers to the process of creating a genetically identical copy of an animal.

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Is there a clone trooper creator?

Yes, there are online platforms and apps that allow users to create and customize their own clone trooper characters. These tools often provide a range of options to personalize different aspects of the clone trooper's appearance, such as armor, weapons, and accessories.

What does Animal wager and used in plumbing create in one word?

A tailpipe.

Does respiration create energy?

Yes, respiration is the process that releases energy from food molecules by converting them into a form of energy called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) that can be used by cells for various functions. This process occurs in both plant and animal cells.