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yes plant have protein for living
Plants, animals, bacteria, virus, and all known life forms do have proteins. They are coded in their genetic material (DNA or RNA). Proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm of the cell.

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7y ago
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9y ago

Proteins are rich in colored vegetables, soy, green leafy vegetables, spirulina. Cereals and grains are the best source of proteins as well. They yield complete proteins when we consume variety of plants.

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7y ago

Plants use transcription and translation; the same as humans.

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7y ago

Plants use amino acids to produce proteins, the same way humans do.

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9y ago

Plants, animals, bacteria, virus, and all known life forms do have proteins. They are coded in their genetic material (DNA or RNA). Proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm of the cell.

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13y ago

Proteins are required in all plants.

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What do plants use nitrogen to do?

Mainly to construct proteins, plants with high protein content are those which require the most.

To produce trypsins plants must synthesize these proteins from?

Amino acids

How do plants produce and store food?

Plants produce their own food from the sunlight and water , and store in the form of starch, fat and proteins in the storage tissues.

To produce trypsin inhibitors plants must synthesize these proteins from?

Amino acids

Why do plants use nitrogen?

To make proteins

What do plants use nitrogen for?

Plants use nitrogen to build important molecules like proteins, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll. Nitrogen is a crucial element for plant growth and development, helping them to thrive and produce fruits and seeds.

Are transgenic crop plants registered for use in the US?

Yes. Most are herbicide resistant (soybean, canola) or produce insecticidal proteins (BT corn, cotton).

What does a plant use nitrogen for?

Plants use nitrogen to produce proteins needed for growth and development. Nitrogen is a key component of chlorophyll, the pigment that allows plants to photosynthesize and produce energy. Additionally, nitrogen is essential for the production of DNA and RNA in plants.

Do viruses produce proteins?

Viruses hijack the cell and use the cell's machinery to produce proteins.

Is nitrogen needed to make proteins in plants?

Yes, nitrogen is an essential nutrient needed by plants to make proteins. Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrates or ammonium ions, which are then used in the process of protein synthesis. Without nitrogen, plants would not be able to produce the proteins necessary for their growth and development.

How could you use biotechnology to protect from insect damage?

insert genes that produce anti-insect chemicals into the plant !