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It is important to check in and around the edge of paddocks for any plants which may be harmful to horses or ponies. Any harmful plants should be dug out and removed. The following plants are just some which are poisonous to horses and ponies in varying degrees. * * Acorns * Alder Buckthorn * Black Bryony * Black Nightshade * Box * Bracken * Broom * Buckthorn * Buttercup * Celandine - Greater * Charlock * Cherry Laurel * Chickweed * Clover * Columbine * Corncrockle * Cowbane * Cuckoo Pint * Darnel * Deadly Nightshade * Foxglove * Ground Ivy * Groundsel * Hellebore * Hemlock * Hemlock Water-Dropwort * Hemp Nettle * Henbane * Herb Paris * Horse Radish * Horsetail * Iris * Laburnum * Larkspur * Lily of the Valley * Linseed * Lupin * Marsh Marigold * Meadow Saffron * Melilot * Mercury * Monk's Hood * Oak * Pimpernel * Poppy * Potato * Privet * Ragwort * Rhubarb * Rododendron * Rush * St Johns Wort * Sorrel * Spurge * Thorn Apple * White Bryony * Woody Nightshade * Yew I hope this will help you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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16y ago
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4mo ago

Some common plants that are poisonous to horses include yew, oak, red maple, black walnut, and certain types of nightshade. It's important to ensure that horses don't have access to these plants as ingestion can lead to various health issues, such as colic or even death.

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15y ago

Some plants that are poisonous to horses are;








Black Nightshade

Deadly Nightshade

Woody Nightshade


These can kill horses if even the smallest amount is eaten, or it can give them bad colic.

Horses won't tend to eat poisonous plants if they are alive, but they somtimes eat them if they are dead.

There lots of other things that are poisonous to horses too though.

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14y ago

Horses enjoy forage plants as their preferred food. This means grasses and legumes. Wheat, oats, barley and other grain plants are considered to be in the grass/forage family.

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16y ago

Yew, oak, buttercup, etc. Just go to Google and look it up.

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16y ago

They can be alergic to many things:

food you feed them



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13y ago

It varies from horse to horse. Just like one person may be allergic to dandelions, it doesn't mean a different person will.

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12y ago

There are LOTS of plants that are poisonous to horses. See link below.

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15y ago


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Q: Which plant is poisonous to horses?
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