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Angela Veum

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Q: Which planet in our solar system has the most satellite?
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Which planet has the most bizarre satellite in the entire solar system?

Pluto has the most bizarre satellite in the entire solar system, it's moon is nearly its own mass.

Which planet has maximum satellite?

Jupiter has the most moons or satellites in our solar system with a total of 79 known moons.

Titan is the largest natural satellite of planet?

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the second-largest natural satellite in the solar system. It is unique in that it has a thick atmosphere and a hydrocarbon-rich surface, making it one of the most Earth-like worlds in our solar system.

What is the most humid planet in the solar system?

In the Solar System the answer is Earth since it is the only planet that has water.

Which planet is heavily cratered earth or mercury?

The most terrestrial planet in our Solar System is Mercury as evidenced by Mariner 10 satellite that flew by Mercury 3 times during 1974 and 1975. A new satellite, Messenger, was launched in 2004 and will be orbiting Mercury next year.

Which planet is heaviest in the solar system?

Jupiter is the heaviest planet in our solar system, with a mass of approximately 318 times that of Earth.

What is the strongest planet in the solar system?

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet in our solar system, making it the strongest in terms of gravity and magnetic field.

What is the most outer plane in the solar system?

The most outer planet in the solar system is Neptune. It is the eighth and farthest known planet from the Sun.

What planets is the SECOND largest and most massive planet in the Solar System?

Saturn is the second largest and most massive planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter.

What is the third largest planet on earth?

There is no third largest planet on Earth, as Earth is a planet itself and not a moon or satellite. Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system.

Which planet has the most valcoanoes?

In our Solar System, Venus is the Volcanic Planet.

What is the most dense planet in the solar system?

The most dense planet in the solar system is Earth, due to its relatively high average density of about 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter.