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Planets orbiting closer to their sun tend to move a lot faster then planets further out. This case is no exception Mercury has a year of 88 Earth Days, and Saturn has a year of 10,832 Earth days.

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Q: Which planet has shorter travel time saturn or mercury?
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Which planet has a shorter travel time by a jet from earth Saturn or mercury?

Mercury has a shorter travel time by jet from Earth compared to Saturn. This is because Mercury is much closer to Earth in terms of distance. Traveling to Saturn would take significantly longer due to its much greater distance from Earth.

Would a year on the planets take longer or shorter then an earth year explain?

It depends on the planet. The planets orbiting closer to the sun than earth (Mercury and Venus) have shorter years, because they have smaller orbits, and travel faster. The planets further from the sun (Mars, Jupier, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) have longer years because they have larger orbits and travel slower.

How many years and months less is Mercury's travel time from earth than Saturn's?

The travel time to both Mercury and Saturn from the Earth depends so much on the orbit chosen that it is not possible to say how much one is different from the other, or even if one is shorter than the other, until the orbits and accelerations are determined.

Does the closest planet to the sun have the shortest orbit?

Yes, Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, has the shortest orbit of all the planets in our solar system, completing one orbit around the sun in about 88 Earth days.

What planet has an earth year that is 29.4?

There are no planets with a 29-day year. The shortest year is for Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, taking 88 Earth days for one revolution.The planet with a year about equal to 29 Earth years is Saturn, which takes about 29.456 Earth years to travel once around the Sun.

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Which planet has a shorter travel time by a jet from earth Saturn or mercury?

Mercury has a shorter travel time by jet from Earth compared to Saturn. This is because Mercury is much closer to Earth in terms of distance. Traveling to Saturn would take significantly longer due to its much greater distance from Earth.

Which planet has the shorter travel time by jet from earth-saturn or mercury?

Mercury. Travelling at around Jet plane speed (1000km/h or 600mph) it would take about 163 years to get to Saturn. It would only take 10.6 years to reach Mercury at its closest approach, travelling the same speed.

Would a year on the planets take longer or shorter then an earth year explain?

It depends on the planet. The planets orbiting closer to the sun than earth (Mercury and Venus) have shorter years, because they have smaller orbits, and travel faster. The planets further from the sun (Mars, Jupier, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) have longer years because they have larger orbits and travel slower.

How many years and months less is Mercury's travel time from earth than Saturn's?

The travel time to both Mercury and Saturn from the Earth depends so much on the orbit chosen that it is not possible to say how much one is different from the other, or even if one is shorter than the other, until the orbits and accelerations are determined.

Which god was the planet of Mercury named after?

The planet Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god, Mercury, who was also the god of communication, commerce, and travel.

How do you travel from earth to the planet Saturn?

In. A space ship

What planet would take the shortest time to travel around?

the first planet mercury

What planet travel around the sun?

(all of them....)<-- some idiot wrote that. The old way: My very excellent mother just served us nine pizzas Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto However, Pluto is no longer considered a planet. If you do still call it a 'dwarf' planet, then you might as well include the other dwarf planets as well, so the order is: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris. If not: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Hope this helps!

What planets rotate faster than the earth?

Orbiting faster than any planet in our Solar System, Mercury goes around the Sun about every 88 Earth days. it is also the smallest planet, and the closest to the Sun. Mercury has no known satellites. Venus orbits the Sun about every 224.7 Earth days. It is the second-closest planet to the Sun, and also has no known satellites.

Which planet takes 29 earth years to travel around the sun?

That would be Saturn.

Where does 'planet Mercury' got its name?

i think it was the Romans that named it after their god Mercury who was the god of thievery, commerce and travel.

Why is a year on Mercury shorter than other planets?

Because it has less distance to travel around the Sun.