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Any planet with an atmosphere can experience a meteor.

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6mo ago

All planets in our solar system can potentially experience meteor showers. However, Earth is the planet where meteors are most commonly observed due to our atmosphere, which burns up many smaller meteors before they reach the surface.

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How do meteors enter your planet?

meteors enter into our planet due to its gravitational force or they orbeit the sun and come into the way of our planet

Is meteors a dwarf planet?


How does a meteor get bigger?

no meteors get bigger. meteors are rock, witch is usually been released from a bigger rock, sutch as a planet.

What causes the yellow rings on the planet Saturn?

they are a bunch of meteors and and dust

Meteors are most closely associated with meteroids that?

Meteoroids become meteors -- or shooting stars -- when they interact with a planet's atmosphere and cause a streak of light in the sky. Debris that makes it to the surface of a planet from meteoroids are called meteorites.

What planet do most meteors occur on?

Meteors occur in the Earth's atmosphere when pieces of rock or metal from space enter and burn up due to friction. They can occur on any planet with an atmosphere, but due to Earth having a dense atmosphere, we see a higher frequency of meteors here compared to other planets.

How did the planet mercury form?

are you religious? if so, then god. if not, then you would think meteors.

Where can a meteors be found?

Meteors can only be found within the atmospheres of planets. If they are on the outside the atmosphere they are called Meteroids. And if they have already penetrated the surface of a planet they are called Meteorites.

When does meteors hit Jupiter the planet?

Meteors hitting Jupiter is an ongoing event that can happen at any time. Jupiter's strong gravitational pull can attract meteors towards it. The planet's large size and strong magnetic field also make it a frequent target for comet and asteroid impacts.

Why do meteoroids become fireballs as they approach the earth?

As a meteors enters the earth's atmosphere, the frictional heat is so intense it begins to catch fire, which is why must meteors burn-up before they hit our planet. Meteors are called meteors until they hit the earth's surface, then they are called meteorites!!

What is known as a minor planet?

pluto. and it is no longer part of our solar system. acctually, astuoids, or meteors.

What are the bodies in the solar system?

Stars, Planets, Asteroids, Meteors, um why didnt you know that