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Q: Which planet do most known extrasolarplanets most resemble?
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Which planet do most known extrasolar do most planets resemble?

Jupiter NeptuneThe planet that most extrasolar planets resembles Jupiter.Jupiter(apex)Most of the confirmed Exoplanets are larger gaseous planets with large masses. These are easier to detect and confirm due to their size. They most resemble Jupiter, although many are thought to be much larger than our largest planet.

What planet do most know extrasolar planets least resemble?


What planet do most known extrasolar planet least resemble?

We tend to see the large planets farthest away from their stars. So it is unlikely we will find any small planets close to their star similar to Mercury.

Which planet do most known extrasolar planets most resemble?

Most known extrasolar planets are categorized as "hot Jupiters," massive gas giants that orbit close to their host star. These planets are similar in size to Jupiter but have high surface temperatures due to their proximity to the star.

What planet resembles extrasolar planets most?

About 100 extrasolar planets are thought to have been discovered. All are giants and probably most resemble Jupiter

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What planets do most known extrasolar planets least resemble?

They least resemble rocky planets like Venus Earth and Mars, particularly they least resemble planets that we would consider as possible life sustaining planets.

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a mammal that is known as the root of most dog species, a shy omnivore that is swift and can resemble a husky

Which planet do most known extrasolar planets LEAST resemble?

Most known extrasolar planets least resemble Earth, both in terms of size and distance from their parent stars. Gas giants, hot Jupiters, and super-Earths are more common than small, rocky planets like Earth among the exoplanets discovered so far.

What is the most gassiest planet?

Saturn is known to be the most gaseous planet in our solar system. It is primarily made up of hydrogen and helium gases.