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Q: Which pigment do plant need to be able to photosynthesize?
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Why can't you grow an albino plant?

Plant need chlorophyll, a pigment that reflects green light. So, you can not have a pigment free plant because that plant would not be able to produce food and structural material for itself.

How plant meet their need?

Absorb water and photosynthesize

What characteristics do you need to have to be classified in to the plant kingdom?

To be classified in the plant kingdom, organisms need to have characteristics such as the ability to photosynthesize (using chlorophyll), cell walls made of cellulose, and the absence of mobility. Plants are primarily autotrophic, meaning they produce their own food through photosynthesis.

What if closed the curtains allowing no sunlight through for the plant?

If you close the curtains and provide no sunlight to the plant, it will not be able to photosynthesize and may eventually wilt and die. Plants need sunlight to make food and grow, so it is important to ensure they receive adequate light to thrive. Consider rotating the plant periodically to ensure all sides receive enough sunlight.

Why do butterflies need the sun?

Flowers need the sun because without it they would not be able to photosynthesize. The sun is the main source of energy! Plants have cells which draw in the sun's energy from leaves and allow the plant to make glucose. The sun, essentially, is the battery for the plant, which allows it to work.

The plant which is not required sunlight for germination?

Moss is a plant that does not require sunlight for germination. Moss can start growing in shaded or dark areas where other plants may struggle to survive. It is able to photosynthesize efficiently in low-light conditions.

What do microscopic plant eat?

Microscopic plants rely on the suns rays for food just like other plants. This is because microscopic plants need to photosynthesize too.

What do plant need to photosynthesize?

Plants need water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide to undergo photosynthesis. Through this process, plants convert these raw materials into sugars and oxygen, which are essential for their growth and survival.

What are four items that photosynthesize?

Plants photosynthesize, so you just need to name four plants, such as grass and oak trees and pine trees.

Why do tall plants need to photosynthesize more?

Tall plants need to photosynthesize more because they have a larger surface area for absorbing sunlight and producing energy. With increased height, these plants require more energy to support their growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Photosynthesis is essential for converting sunlight into usable energy in the form of glucose to fuel various plant functions.

What function do chlorophyll perform in an animal cell?

Chlorophyll is not found in animal cells. It is a pigment that is found in plant cells and is involved in capturing light energy for photosynthesis. In animal cells, there is no need for chlorophyll as they do not photosynthesize.

How is photosynthesis related to carbohydrates?

plants need carbon dioxide to photosynthesize.