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chlorophyll pigment consists of antenna and reaction centres to absorb light energy.there are two regions in this pigment that is-pigment system I which absorbs far red light at 700nm and another is pigment system II which absorbs red light at 680nm.

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Phytochrome is the pigment that absorbs red and far-red light in plants, playing a key role in regulating processes such as germination, growth, and flowering in response to light conditions.

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Q: Which pigment absorbs red and far red light in plants?
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What plant contains chorophyl?

Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of green plants, algae, and some bacteria. It is the pigment responsible for the green coloration in these organisms and plays a key role in photosynthesis by capturing light energy to convert it into chemical energy.

If the Rf factor of a pigment is .8400 and the distance that the solvent traveled is 12 cm how far did the pigment travel?

To find how far the pigment traveled, you would multiply the Rf factor by the distance the solvent traveled. Distance traveled by pigment = Rf factor x Distance traveled by solvent Distance traveled by pigment = 0.8400 x 12 cm Distance traveled by pigment = 10.08 cm. Therefore, the pigment traveled 10.08 cm.

How does a plant with red leaves photosynthesize?

plants use carbon dioxide, which they get from their leaves and water, from the roots and sunlight which they get from the sun in order to photosynthesize. The process of photosynthesizing is when the plant uses its chlorophyll(that is what makes plants green) to change water, sunlight and carbon dioxide to turn into glucose, which it uses for the 7 life processes and turns it into starch.

What will happen if a plant is kept in sunlight and a plant is kept under lamp?

Both plants will undergo photosynthesis due to the presence of light. However, plants in direct sunlight may receive more intense light and heat, which could lead to faster water loss and potential damage if not provided with enough water. Plants under a lamp may not receive the full spectrum of light needed for optimal growth and could suffer if the light source is too weak or positioned too far away.

What type of light is best for indoor plants?

For indoor plants, the best type of light is typically full spectrum LED grow lights. These lights provide the necessary wavelengths of light for photosynthesis and are energy efficient. They are ideal for providing plants with the light they need to grow and thrive indoors.

Related questions

What is the pigment responsible for photoperiodism?

Action spectra and photoreversibility experiments show that phytochrome is the pigment that receives the red light. Red light is the most effective color in interrupting the night-time portion of the photoperiod.

How does color affect plant groth?

Plants respond differently to various colors, or wavelengths, of light because they have evolved pigments that preferentially absorb one color more than others. For example, phototropin is a pigment that preferentially absorbs blue light. Phototropin causes phototropism, a bending response toward a light source. Therefore, phototropism only occurs if the light source contains blue wavelengths. Being able to sense different colors of light with pigments allows plants to respond to their environment in several ways. For example, being able to differentiate between red and far-red light with the pigment Phytochrome allows plants to sense the day length, or photoperiod, and thus, the time of year. Phytochrome is important in timing of flower production and determining when deciduous trees lose their leaves and go dormant in the fall.

What is the difference between florigen and phytochrome?

Florigen is a plant hormone responsible for controlling the flowering process in response to environmental cues, while phytochrome is a photoreceptor protein that helps plants detect light quality and quantity for regulating various growth and developmental processes. Florigen specifically influences flowering, while phytochrome has a broader role in light signaling in plants.

What plant contains chorophyl?

Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of green plants, algae, and some bacteria. It is the pigment responsible for the green coloration in these organisms and plays a key role in photosynthesis by capturing light energy to convert it into chemical energy.

Do plants grow under certain color of light?

Plants, in fact, do grow faster under certain colors of light. The reason for this is that chloroplasts can only absorb certain wavelengths of light because of the pigments they contain. There are 2 photosystems in plants called photosystem I and II. PS I absorbs light on the wavelength of 700nm while PS II absorbs 680nm because of their utilization of chlorophyll A and B. These two frequencies are known as the peak absorption points because they are the wavelength at which light is most strongly absorbed. Different forms of chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments absorb other frequencies of light, but PS I and PS II are what is used for synthesizing ATP and reducing power which plants use to grow. The visible spectrum of light is between 380-750nm for humans. Therefore PS I and II require red light to perform photosynthesis. As stated before, however, there are other photosynthetic pigments present in plants and other phototrophic species such as bacteria and algae that absorb other pigments. An example of this is the carotenoid pigment that absorbs primarily blue light as do chlorophyll A and B. Blue light contains more energy than red light but for PS I and II and plant growth both are needed. Studies in the 50's showed that the rate of photosynthesis increased under far-red and red light compared to other frequencies. Green plants will grow SLOWER or not at all under green light. Basically, green is the only brand of light that the plant's chloroplasts doesn't use. That is why it is the only color reflected from the leaf, and is what we see.

What are the two forms of phytochrome and how are they switched?

Phytochromes exist in two interconvertible forms PR because it absorbs red (R; 660 nm) light PFR because it absorbs far red (FR; 730 nm) light These are the relationships: Absorption of red light by PR converts it into PFR Absorption of far red light by PFR converts it into PR. In the dark, PFR spontaneously converts back to PR.

What is the material that reflects or absorbs all of light that strikes it?

No material reflects all light. Silver is pretty close, which is why it is used for mirrors. As far as absorbing, porous black materials do the best job.

How far can the star of Siriuss light shine?

The light itself has no limit, unless it runs into something on the way that absorbs it (soaks it up). The main question is not "How far can the light go ?" The main question is "How far away from the source is your equipment good enough to detect the light ?" With current astronomical equipment, we can detect and measure light coming from 13 billion light years away.

Do plant grow faster under certain colors of light?

Plants grow fastest under blue and red light. Blue light stimulates chlorophyll production and encourages vegetative growth, while red light promotes flowering and fruiting. Green light is least effective for plant growth as it is reflected rather than absorbed for photosynthesis.

How far should you keep your light from your plants?

You should keep the light at least 12 inches from your plants to help prevent burns. The average grow light does produce heat so you don't want it so close as to damage the plants leaves.

What is the material the reflects or absorbs all of the light that strikes it?

No material reflects all light. Silver is pretty close, which is why it is used for mirrors. As far as absorbing, porous black materials do the best job.

What is a material that reflect or absorbs all of the light that strikes it?

No material reflects all light. Silver is pretty close, which is why it is used for mirrors. As far as absorbing, porous black materials do the best job.