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The physical feature that is located in eastern Africa and is south of the Ethiopian Highlands and northwest of Mt. Kenya is the Great Rift Valley. It consists of low plateaus and plains.

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The physical feature located in eastern Africa that is south of the Ethiopian Highlands and northwest of Mt Kenya is the Great Rift Valley. It is a geological trench stretching approximately 6,000 kilometers from Lebanon to Mozambique, known for its unique landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and significant tectonic activity.

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Q: Which physical feature is located in eastern Africa and is south of the Ethiopian Highlands and northwest of Mt Kenya?
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What are the highlands in eastern Brazil called?

The highlands in eastern Brazil are called the Brazilian Highlands or the Planalto Brasileiro. They are a vast region of elevated terrain that covers a significant portion of eastern Brazil, including areas such as the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro.

What are the major highlands in Latin America?

Some of the major highlands in Latin America include the Andes Mountains, which span along the western coast of South America, the Brazilian Highlands in eastern South America, and the Sierra Madre mountain range in Mexico. These highlands are important geographical features that have shaped the landscape and climate of the region.

Where are the Eastern Highlands in Australia?

The Eastern Highlands in Australia are located in the eastern part of the country, primarily in the states of New South Wales and Queensland. This mountain range runs parallel to the eastern coast and includes the Great Dividing Range, which is the third longest land-based range in the world. It is known for its diverse landscapes, including rugged peaks, lush rainforests, and fertile valleys.

Is Allentown in eastern or western Pennsylvania?

Allentown is located in eastern Pennsylvania. It is the third-largest city in the state and is situated approximately 60 miles northwest of Philadelphia.

Show you the map of appalachin highlands?

I'm unable to display images or maps. However, you can easily find maps of the Appalachian Highlands region by searching online or using mapping applications like Google Maps or Bing Maps. The region includes parts of eastern North America, stretching from Alabama to Newfoundland.

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